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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Happy happy birthday Margaret--hope it's awesome!
  2. What's a beavertail? Some sort of doughnut? I'd Google it, but, I'm afraid of the potentially x-rated response(s) that might come up...
  3. I believe all 3 devices have been claimed...if any more become available, I will PM the other folks who inquired and/or post in this thread.
  4. Note: The Samsung is actually a "Smartphone" (like a Blackberry)...not sure if that's a plus or minus..
  5. So, when a cell company launches a new device, they often send samples of the new product(s) to various bigwigs at my company (in hopes that they will love it and promote the fuck out of it)...the only difference between these "launch" versions of the new devices and the ones sold in the stores is that these come in stupid fancy boxes, rather than regular boxes. Anyway, my boss was cleaning her office on Friday and came across 3 of these boxes and told me, "Do whatever you want with them...sell 'em on the street corner, I don't care.." These are obviously not the newest models of phones, but, if anyone needs a free phone, I have these 3 (never used) devices available: Samsung Jack Sony Ericcson K850i "Cybershot" (this is a great phone..I used one for a long time..takes great pics..) Sony Ericcson W580 "Walkman" PM me if interested.
  6. Have a great bday, Mo! Hope to see you soon!
  7. Shush it, Shushface! Now,get on the horn and buy me one. Thanks. You're the best.
  8. I've been wanting to see him since Born in the USA. I had his butt on my wall.
  9. I really want the Slap Chop. It guarantees to change my life!!
  10. I've been told I'm guaranteed tix, but I don't know where they'll be yet. I'll keep you posted if I hear of any extras.
  11. You're going to see tDB on Friday in Chicago? I'm going on Saturday. P.S. I almost removed my own eardrums with tent pegs at Camp Bisco '02. 4 am. Biscuits still going. And the singing got worse as the night tranced on toward morning. Oy.
  12. Patchoulia


    We Like to Sit Around and Wank Each Other Forum
  13. I know this isn't bacon, but, I didn't know what else to do with this: Hot Dog Coated w/French Fries http://www.dlisted.com/node/30261
  14. So it's Cully who poops your couch, NOT c-towns? Just to be on the safe side, probably best not to invite either of them to your next party..unless, of course, you're one of those couch-poop-loving freaks I've been hearing so much about...
  15. 1. How long do you anticipate you'll be playing with this new-ish toy? 2. Hews? 3. Can I ride my helmet without a football?
  16. I really enjoy this one as well: http://www.glidemagazine.com/hiddentrack/
  17. You guys up already? We haven't been to bed...we had gut-check time a couple of hours ago...
  18. I'm so cold right now, I'm finding it difficult to even think about shows without a parka.
  19. Did someone say something? No? Didn't think so...lol... Don't you sometimes just wish you were Gene Simmons? Then, your life would consist solely of the following:
  20. Yeah, we probably wouldn't even bother with the show if not for being guest-listed. (I love my life)
  21. Hey, but, we heard on the radio on the way to work that it's a relatively balmy -3 in Whitehorse this morning...anyone up for a tropical vacation to the Yukon?
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