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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Must pick up tickets @ One Mount Pleasant before 6 pm. Seats are section 105 Row 22 Seats 5 & 6 Did I mention I'm giving these tickets away for free? Yep! Zero dollars.
  2. According to Facebook, it's Carrie's birthday today! Happy birthday!! Your bacon alarm clock should be in the mail.
  3. Do you think Kevin Breit will just direct the music or play, too?
  4. According to The Star, Neil has been invited and the organizers "hope he'll show up".... I won't hold my breath, but that would be indescribably cool.
  5. I really do love Jon Stewart (and his writers)...described as "an 8 minute epic takedown" of CNBC & their reporters... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/03/05/jon-stewart-eviscerates-c_n_172057.html
  6. I was also curious as to whether we're really Monsieur Rieu's target demo, but, whatever.
  7. Indeed--featuring The Indigo Girls & the B52s (it was a great show, btw).
  8. The only thing I can think of is that the haters were out drinking with Kenny Powers when they made that decision.
  9. The Indigo Girls are apparently so gay, they warranted being listed twice...
  10. Yeah, I thought everyone loved that one.
  11. Patchoulia


    Not sure if you have the time to peruse this or not, but, you might find some useful info: http://patchoulia.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-weekend-in-chicago-part-i.html http://patchoulia.blogspot.com/2009/02/my-weekend-in-chicago-part-ii.html
  12. Her name's Glenda. She has a thing for gaseous emissions. We have an understanding.
  13. My favourite Phish moment? The next one...
  14. Brownstein's a dick... And he just keeps illustrating it!
  15. Some other ideas... http://www.glidemagazine.com/hiddentrack/hampton-countdown-phish-opener-picks/
  16. Remember: They're NOT a REAL BAND.
  17. Omigod!! Wow! Glad you're alright, Chris, that's CRAZY!
  18. I assume the dealbreaker would be if she came home with Nickelshit's latest cd and declared her love for them?
  19. And you went through with the wedding? I find this highly surprising!
  20. I'm pretty sure I happy birthdayed you on Fbook, but I'll do it again: Happy Birthday, Scot! Hope it's awesome!
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