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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. I take full responsibility for the useless threads I've posted. And I think StoneMtn deserves kudos for actually warning people in the thread title what they are in for when they open the thread..no confusion there.. Perhaps bokonon is just upset because she's having an issue figuring out how to turn "parking garage signage" into a thread about sex?
  2. You have no idea...and he'll be in Ottawa in three weeks...make sure y'all have your garages secured...
  3. I can't believe anyone other than us bothered reading and/or posting in this ridiculous thread. Basher's been throwing down 3 car garages today...I'd like to get another room, actually...
  4. Good luck, Aaron. You're going to do great!
  5. You're clearly not evoluted.
  6. This is clearly the winner in the "Most Useless/Pointless Thread of '08" so far.....though "two-car garage" is a great phrase for flatulence...
  7. Keep your backdraft in your pants.
  8. You're bringing Ope into this?
  9. Blog this, shit-for-brains.
  10. Why don't you go ahead and pull your (short) bus into your two-car garage...
  11. Although I was unaware of it before today, apparently two successive farts in a row are known as a "two-car garage"...thank Basher for that one..
  12. Just because you can do something, doesn't necessarily mean you should.
  13. Well, this thread has taken an unexpected turn.
  14. RIP I met him a few times in K-town and heard a ton of stories about him over the years..seemed like a great guy.
  15. It may be that I was subjected to "Shane" in Grade 8. I was OK with Westerns before that. Jack Palance, Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur, Ben Johnson, Van Heflin, Brandon De Wilde and directed by George Stevens = one of the best westerns ever. Maybe you should stay away from this thread. I meant the book. We had to read it in Grade 8. I remember it as being a horrible experience...
  16. It may be that I was subjected to "Shane" in Grade 8. I was OK with Westerns before that.
  17. Quite a few, actually. In fact, I enjoy radishes...raw and in salad..I just think they're weird cooked. Parsnips? I don't know if I like them or not, since I have a mental image of them tasting like farts, as I've asserted in another thread.
  18. I got some vegetable soup from the cafeteria in my office today. Looked normal enough...until I got back to my desk and commenced eating it... Radishes?! In my SOUP??! Am I the only one to whom cooked radishes--especially in soup--represent a culinary travesty?
  19. Basher is a huge Price is Right fan and doesn't think much of Mr. Carey either....
  20. All the recos in this thread are enticing me more and more!
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