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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. I'm thinkin' Todd Lagina (nice last name, by the way) best get his ass back to college...cuz if he's 22 today and, twelve years ago, he was 2, his math skills need some work.
  2. I bet you say that to all the ladies...
  3. It comes in both t-shirt AND hoody form!!
  4. Corey, cameras weren't "allowed" (or was it just flash photography that wasn't allowed??), but there were tons of cameras in there.
  5. I dunno if this will work or not... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=663158&l=8f461&id=538716345
  6. Bite me. j/k I'm working on it...pain in the ass getting them off the phone, onto the computer and uploaded to the interweb..got a couple of good ones, anyway..
  7. I honestly did consider tripping him, but I was in too much of a hurry to get the hell out of there.
  8. Thanks for articulating what I couldn't put into words...I'm sooo envious of those people who get to see this again... I saw the mayor as I was leaving. He, too, appeared flummoxed..then again, he always kind of looks that way..
  9. Didn't you read Dougler's post? The implication is that booche is tied up, possibly literally, with coke and hookers!
  10. They were the first "big" concert I ever went to...they were opening for Metallica. It was a huge trip to the big city of Winnipeg back in '88? '89? Ah, good times.
  11. I will always...ALWAYS...loooove The Cult. Basher generously attended the amphitheatre show last summer (?) with me and the rest of the skids. You better believe I banged my head..!
  12. I like to think of The Dougler as her superdrunkhero persona...like, The Riddler...only drunker thank Danny Devito.
  13. I nominate this for Post of the Year. I can't even begin to decide which is my favourite part! "i'm gringin whoopes....b I'm grin...damn...I'm bring.."
  14. I have no idea what this means but I want to do it I think it should be a new board motto...
  15. Damn. If this is true, I might have to get tickets for this tour...
  16. It would have been better if he had answered the door not so much wearing the towel but having it dangling precariously from his near his waist...that might require some preparation' date=' though... Aloha, Brad[/quote'] That is, in fact, what he would do...he had to run and get ready whenever he saw the Jehovah's Witnesses pull into the driveway (which, as you can imagine, didn't happen too often), but he figured it was worth it.
  17. I can't stop using "blurg" as an expletive. It's so liberating!
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