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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. I'm pretty sure the entire ACC will be the "wet panty zone"... I'm not precisely sure where my seats are..I actually did try to buy tix for this show (or shows) and they all sold out within seconds! I complained to my boss and she gave me one of the set she bought...I think they're pretty good...and free! My 15 year old self is going to have a GREAT time!
  2. Has anyone ever seen Kathy Griffin talking about meeting Hanson? I think I might have peed my pants laughing at that one..classic..I think it's on one of her older (late 90s?) DVDs.
  3. Yep, that's right, ONE SLEEP...til my date with BON JOVI! WOOT-WOOT! Corey, stop laughing. The rest of you: Try to contain your jealousy. Hey, anyone remember that New Deal show a few years ago when they covered Livin' on a Prayer and every single person in the place sang ALL the lyrics? Tomorrow night, I am sooo gonna be livin' on a prayer...
  4. Spidey III wasn't that good. Neither was StoneMtn III...dialogue sucks...and the plot-twist about the flying Smart Car was sooo blatantly obvious.
  5. Nope, in real life. He still has the original contract somewhere.
  6. C'mon now...the King of Kensington was one suave fella..struttin' through the market in his burgundy sport jacket. Don't sell yourself short..all you need are some bell-bottoms a loyal & diverse group of followers (which, I believe, you already have)to help you solve daily dilemma. P.S. Did you know Basher was almost Screech?
  7. Have you MET StoneMtn? These seemingly "impossible" tasks are well within his skill-set. Legit. He can also turn the world on with his smile, take a nothing day (and make it all seem worthwhile) and spin a web any size. Wait--I think I'm getting him confused with Mary Tyler Moore...and possibly Spider-Man..crap...
  8. This makes me very sad. I love the Urban Peasant...I especially loved his attitude and it's served me well in cooking... "If you haven't got wine, use apple juice, if you haven't got apple juice, use water..use what you've GOT!!"
  9. The worst part is having that damn song in my head all day...not matter what music I'm streaming at my desk, as soon as I walk away, it returns with a vengeance..
  10. This "discipline" to which you refer..does THAT involve handcuffs? Is "law society" a euphemism for something more salacious?
  11. Don't you mean people who sir-mix-a-lot it up, a bit? Har har har...
  12. Sorta looks like her, doesn't it? I can't decide if I like the Ross/Monica leg-pull maneuver or "The Sprinkler" best...
  13. LOL That's the first thing Basher said when he saw this picture, too!
  14. Genius Make sure you have your speakers on...but not TOO loudly. (No nudity or vulgarity, work-safe) Apologies if this was posted already...I looked through the last few days, but didn't see anything..
  15. I don't have a caption, but I just have to say, this might be the best picture of all time.
  16. That is SO GREAT to hear, Bob! I knew you'd do an awesome job in that interview! I can't wait for you and Mellie to be in T.O.!
  17. I still love him. Even though he's considerably less sexy in a baggy pair of jeans and an oversized, powder blue sweatshirt than he is in a suit. Seeing him in person shattered my Jon Stewart fantasies. He's like 5'2! Regardless: Happy birthday, Jon! I'll try to be extra politically incorrect today in your honour!
  18. Rogers publishing has a couple of floors in this building, so I assume so. Depending on the day & how many meetings I have, I can take as long a lunch as I like.
  19. Good luck, Bob! You're going to do great!!
  20. Happy birthday, Sloth! Hope to see you soon!
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