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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. He's not welcome on Air Wonder Woman anymore...there was an incident. I don't want to go into details, but, let's just say AWW doesn't look too kindly on pants-pooping.
  2. One of my friends posted on Facebook (after attending a show recently) that these guys are FANTASTIC!
  3. I thought that as soon as I read it. Count it!
  4. There are several *NEW* Selleck/Waterfalls/Sandwich combos up since this was first posted...they just keep getting better & better, too! http://selleckwaterfallsandwich.tumblr.com/
  5. How far in advance do you think I'd have to get out of town to avoid the hoopla generated by the G8 & a giant concert (assuming the latter actually occurs)?
  6. I couldn't take Friday off, too much shit to do at work. And I'm both a slacker & a low-life. Huh. The dichotomy is hard to grasp.
  7. Has a chug rule been created for everytime bouche announces an alleged improvement to the site?
  8. The song is remarkably catchy, too! I love that website so much I wanna take out behind the middle school and get it pregnant.
  9. My buddy said he enjoyed the show, once it finally started..said Axl's voice sounded good and they put on a good performance. He also said he ate half a pizza when he finally got home at 3 am.
  10. I gave my tickets to a friend from work...I got a txt from him at quarter after 11 last night and it said, "It's 11:15 and Axl still hasn't come on and my buzz is wearing off." I'm so glad I didn't go.
  11. I was also afraid I was going to have nightmares for weeks featuring his new face...it's freaky & creepy...
  12. Free pair of tickets to tonight's Leafs game available. According to the tickets, it's "70s Night"...I assume that means they'll all be sporting giant moustaches and WON'T be wearing helmets... Hmmm. That actually might be fun. Anyway...get in touch with me ASAP if you're interested. Tix must be picked up at One Mount Pleasant before 6 pm.
  13. There are other kinds of vegan? [color:#CCCCCC]It's the Friday afternoon wise-ass talking. There was a time when I was eating fish, but no dairy or any other meats. There was really no name for that other than "sort of" vegan. Hence, the distinction.
  14. Thanks, Bob. She's been through so much (including serious illness) since I've known her...this is truly unbelievable.
  15. My friend Christine, in West Virginia, lost everything (material, that is) on Saturday night. Luckily, she and her kids weren't home at the time. http://statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=73963 She's a single mother, raising 3 kids (including a pre-schooler & a small baby). She supports her family via a home-based business, so that was lost also. I know you guys don't know her, but, if anyone wants to help, no amount is too small. Her paypal account is: qmrpconsult@netscape.net Thanks to the ubiquity of Facebook, tons of friends in the northeast are working together, collecting clothes, household items, office supplies etc. I think the main need will be monetary. Good vibes & prayers are obviously very much appreciated!
  16. I've been eating there since '97, when I moved to Toronto. I've never been disappointed...even when I was strictly vegan. AND, as a bonus, you can usually find coupons in the the entertainment book for them (if you are a money-saving Torontonian who goes that route).
  17. Free iphone to whoever can come up with a better reference for me...
  18. I haven't been over here for a few days..just popped in and saw this. I feel like I've been punched in the gut...this definitely knocked the wind out of me for a second. I love his work.
  19. I dunno..Anne is one of the most trusted voices/faces out there. You'd think they'd balance that with the cost.
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