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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. I was forced to watch M*A*S*H every time it was on when I was growing up. It was my dad's favourite show. And I loved it, too. I watch it now and it's still great--hilarious and poignant.

    There was a great reunion show on a few years ago...2001, maybe?

    People who never watched it are at a huge disadvantage whenever there's a reference to it on Jeopardy!

  2. If You Leave is on my list, too, but I'm actually not ashamed of it. It's a great song.

    Here are a few for which I should be shot for loving:

    Anything by Bon Jovi

    The Look by Roxette

    Mmmm Bop! by Hanson

    That's all the revelations I can post for today.

  3. Blister in the Sun is a Violent Femmes song.

    But the Seapods did, in fact, cover it on occasion. And, yes, if you hear the Seapods show from San Francisco in the fall of 2000, you'll hear me yelling in the background (to the question, "Who knows what this song is about?"), "IT'S ABOUT MASTURBATION!!"

  4. I love the rest stops on the way to shows...the straights never know what's going on!

    On the way to Alpine Valley in '02, we collectively must have scared thousands of tourists from New York state all the way to Wisconsin!

    When I was travelling in '00, I came out of a hotel one morning in Eugene, Oregon and someone had left a show (tape) on my windshield. It was a great way to wake up. :)

  5. Well Stoned Phillips, you ought be pleased to learn that the word "dink" seems to have many different applications that one wouldn't automatically think of.

    Check it out here...


    The only 1 that was news to me on that list was the one referencing shooting games (wtf??!)

    Sorry, phorbsie, but you know what? I love you in the morning (and in the afternoon). I love you in the evening (and underneath the moon). Hey! :D

  6. I'd just like to chime in here and voice my support for the use of the word "dink" (in general) and (repeatedly) in this thread.

    It's a great word and doesn't get nearly enough play.

    Here are some examples of fun ways to use "dink" in a sentence:

    Hey! That's my beer, you dink!

    Yeah? You want to go there? Go eat a bag of dinks.

    Skin-a-ma-rink-eee-dink--eeeeeee-DINK, skin-a-ma-rink-eee-dooooooooooooo...I. Love. You.


  7. i can't think of any troubles i've had going into shows..

    a friend of mine always puts a few pairs of socks and underwear into his backpack pocket where the drugs are...then when they ask 'what's in here?' and go to open it he says 'dirty underwear and socks' and they never check! hehe works every time

    That is genius in its simplicity...I mean, he's not even lying, there ARE socks in there!

  8. Grateful Dave's account of his "hands-down-the-pants" security check at the Big Summer Classic got me thinking that there has got to be a wealth of amusing/painful/embarrasing "entering a show" stories.

    1. I got totally felt up by the security guard at the TOO show in Albany in '02. It wasn't even subtle. Asshole.

    2. When we were going into Coventry, we witnessed, directly in front of us, a car (with a dude asleep at the wheel) roll into a staff member and pin her between vehicles. The blood-curdling scream she emitted still haunts me (well, not really, but it was horrible to see).

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