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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Great advice for sure Deb! Luckily I have a doula by the name of Jennifer! She's WONDERFUL!! When we were discussing everything she said, "And i'll be there making sure people do what you tell them" (too bad she's only going to be around for JUST the pregnancy.) Anyways, I am so happy to have her by my side - guiding me through everything and looking out for my best intentions.

    Sari - thank you SO much for lending me all those books! I've been craming my brain with as much info as possible! It's great!

  2. I'd rather listen to my own farts than these people:

    Amanda Marshall (ugh)

    Nicklesmack (or the other poowads that sound like them... what are they're names again? Oh i hope I never remember actually!)

    Rush (i know they are talented musicians, but i hate their music ...especially the singing)

    Celine Dion

    I can usually clump most gangsta rap in there... don't like that and any music that has a lot of yelling instead of singing.

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