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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. Seapods fall Tour '98 Pasternak has a big mouth
  2. well I see the peanut gallery is alive and well on this sunny Thursday afternoon - now, how about them Ultimate Ladies?
  3. any ladies wanna come run around and throw the disc tonight?
  4. Hey 'Ersh ... no, not the canadian band Pilate - these guys are from the UK, kind of down tempo, moody electonica... Thanks tho! Where's Tungsten Gruven? He's my only hope at this point...
  5. Says Massey hall on the Byrne website, but it's not listed on the Massey hall website.... hmmmm curious.
  6. fluffhead77


    Does anyone know where I can get their first album "Anntenna'? I'm having a hell of a time finding it... much appreciated...
  7. YES! me too man...I threw this on for the walk home last night and that song REALLY stood out.
  8. the new disc is great... few stand out tracks so far (about 3/4th of the way through right now) and I ahve a feeling the rest of it is going to really grow on me. Get it.
  9. At this point is it worth referencing it as a BLT? I think it's matured into a full grown sandwich by now...
  10. You win a chance to get me laid again. Keep the recipes comin'...
  11. Montreal was awesome, Toronto was awesomer. Much more cohesion from the band, better flow in the set and Phil didn't drop any beats this time. I didn't get my Myxomatosis, but they did play No Surprises for which I'm very thankful and that first encore was the goddamn shit! All in all, still the best live touring act in music today. No contest. love it.
  13. YYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Going to see some beats after - call me Scottie...
  14. You betcha my friend... we'll do it up sometime this fall.
  15. We had Horse Carpaccio that was wearing a skirt made of many steaks. But we really had the ravioli - thanks for the suggestion Sharon... took me a fucking LOOOONG ass time to make them though - dinner for two turned into dinner for 4 and it wasn't in my kitchen. Playing on the road, two runs down in the first inning provided it's challenges, but everybody won in the end.
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