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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. heard great things about them, never checked it though....
  2. I heard Electric Ave. was under construction though...
  3. BOO Yah! There's going to be lots of free skins to be given out at the party too
  4. so is Parliment and Dinsaur Jr. - but Big Sugar takes the cake.
  5. Spend some more time with the album Jaimoe - It approximately rocks. Had an awesome time last night - great energy, good crowd (for once) and decent setlist. I'll post it later. word.
  6. yes yes. that's very affordable for all the things this beast can do!
  7. His Steveness said so... awesome!
  8. Holy fuck - that's awesome! very jealous
  9. glad you had such a good time Sean, the toronto show was doooooope!
  10. No' date=' just a buncha stupid newbs who dont know how to hear music.[/quote'] That's a little harsh Booche. Everybody has their own thing. Not everyone can have Beethoven's ear. Personally, I'd love to see Phish come back with some new material. Perhaps they can return the validity of the jambands scene. Booche doesn't have beethoven's ear, only his ear hair.
  11. BINGO! I fucking love dim sum - so good, so tasty
  12. It's going to be a bit different tonight as he's got a band with him this time, but I'm sure it's going to be awesome.
  13. Thanks Schwa - I will no problem Jay - happy birthday... call me later. Sean - yes, it's fucking awesome. Start to finish. Easily as good as his first album.
  14. At the Opera house... PUMMMMMPED!!! Anyone else going here?
  15. yeah, that's them - and no website. I've been on them for quite sometime now to get with the times. I'd suggest dropping them a line at dunnwithflair at hotmail.com or you can send it directly to my old man at mdroyalchef at gmail.com
  16. shit - wha happend? GEt well buddy!
  17. A buddy of mine (dr. Stanley Loungeman) has a couple of 9th row seats for the Tom Petty show. He's selling them for face - anyone interested?
  18. Scott - my parents run a catering company in Brockville and do gigs in Ottawa frequently. Give them a shout if you like to ask some questions - 613.498.DUNN Seriously
  19. happy birthday Greg, you surly bastard!
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