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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. Here's a great video of that in action
  2. fluffhead77


    I fucking love onion! but unfortunately they do not love me I eat them anyways...
  3. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Happy Birfday Lynn! I hope Andre finally let's you donkey punch him.
  4. Has anyone heard their new album - The Supreme Genius of...? Holy fuggin shit, this thing smokes!!! Definitely check it out... Awesome album cover too
  5. So if you Toronto Skanks have nothing on July 11th y'all should come out to see this documentary we're bringing to town. WE'll be lucky enough to be joined by the director for a Q and A afterwards, so stick around for that too! for more details check it out here. Oh and Z-trip afterwards - BOOO YEAH! I hope to see you skanks out in full force Word. B
  6. GO! Everybody should see this guy, he's fucking amazing. get good and close...
  7. Ha! That's Dev - Super nice guy...
  8. that is one of the greatest shows Phish ever played. Hands down.
  9. Five for Friday - the last 5 songs played from random on your computer/cd player GO. Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon (ok, this wasn't completely random I chose this one - NR reminded me of it this morning) Across 110th St. - Bobby Womack Daniel Lanois - The Maker Ultraviolet - U2 Downtown Train(live) - Tom Waits
  10. rock the fuck out mang! happy bday.
  11. That's ok, we got blown the fuck out. oh well...
  12. well then, speak blasphemy no more wretched sinner. Do not sully the good name of Radiomelon, by lumping them in with a bunch disease, manky künts pretending to be musicians.
  13. hahahahahahahahahahahahahah You're not funny you know.
  14. Dufferin and Lawrence 7pm - you in mr C towns? We could use ya!
  15. No Davey Boy, this isn't about hoagies. We need a sub or 3 for tonight - guys and girls. Give me a shout if you want to come out!! 416.276.4149 Cheers, B
  16. imho I think RJ has jumped the shark. I'm sure he can still cut it up, but his material is pretty crap.
  17. That might have been one of the greatest things I've ever witnessed. I saw them at park west in CHicago - tortoise opened up for him and then they were his backing band. Absolutely incredible.
  18. Tortoise is great every time I see them. never a bad show - some are better than others, but never a bad one.
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