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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. sriracha (sp?) is my go to hs
  2. yep all over that I'm scrobbling like it ain't no ones bidness! you can find me under Gelaskins...
  3. Happy birthday you internet wizard!
  4. fluffhead77


  5. Dondante was fucking HUUUUUGE and then the One Big Holiday to follow. I agree with the AD, that Highly Suspicious is hot, hot, hot. Great show, thanks again Brian for posting about the RSVP and thanks for no one calling AD out on having the email addresses for 4 days before hand and not sharing... it's ok, he's into cartography
  6. theyre a good store from all reports and they sell our skins
  7. scratch that... We're having a bite at Dominion on Queen ( where lauzon played post Ween last fall) It's quite close to the venue and apparently has tasty food. anyone?
  8. yep, played it... good times! The fucking drums are HARD though!
  9. Ok, having dinner with the lady at Dangerous Dan's at 6 and then a drink or two at Blue moon before heading to the show... anyone in?
  10. H0oo0o0o0oly Shit... this album is fucking awesome!! for the first time on any lanois disc, it really captures a sense of Dan's live presence. A++
  11. oh my lady got on the list for this as well, so I'm allll set! man, it's going to be quite the skank party in there... is there going to be booze or am I going to have have to bring a flask?? And did I read that correctly that Asparagus is coming??
  12. Like the "upgrade" from XP to Vista? Yeah, whadda have in June, I'm free the 2nd and 3rd weekends
  13. I ordered the Gold top edition of Dan's latest album and it came in the mail today along with an autographed photo + 2 others, DVD of Here is What is, the accompanying album and a moleskine notebook. I've only listened to half the album but it's fantastic so far...
  14. ha. ha. ha. I'm sure she wouldn't anyway... I've read your playbook.
  15. Just got one for MMJ, but I could use an extra for my lady... Basher, you still got an extra?
  16. happy bday sir... I believe 40 warrants the 'Sir"
  17. Thanks again Jay for all you did... He'll be missed huge.
  18. I'm pretty bummed out right now, so I needed some cheering up... hope this makes you laugh! http://www.break.com/index/will-arnett-olsen-twins-sex-tape.html
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