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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. fucking Quitter! you don't see mike giving up on litte kids do you?
  2. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY LAZER! I hope it's a grand one...
  3. they actually fit most sizes of PC as well...just choose the corresponding screen size to your PC laptop
  4. And now shameless self promotion!!! We've got some hot new laptop skins featuring the same wicked material as our iPod skins and a brand new look to our site....so drop by and check it out. I've created a Skank discount code that's good for 15% off any purchase but it's only valid for 2 weeks. And as a bonus if anyone can tell me what my middle name is, gets a free laptop skin! Word. Bdunn www.gelaskins.com
  5. The Slip Forum has info riiiiiiiiiiight. thanks
  6. I might be mistaken here, but I thought the Slip were playing tonight at the ELMO...there's no mention of it on their webpage. anyone have any more info on this?
  7. the gentleman I've been talking to at Superfly said that MMJ won't be part of the festivities this year.
  8. I second Jaimoe's Criminal records vote and not jsut because they sell our skins
  9. I went to Chicago to see that Lanois-Tortoise show in 05 and it was one of the best things I've ever seen...I mean I'm a huge fan of both, but jesus christ it was good. I'm so in!
  10. awesum. That's my favorite (for the last couple years anyway) beatles song.
  11. Chris happy birthday my man! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you, but I sent my best delegates instead! I hope you got a big hug from Jay on my behalf...
  12. BOO YEAH! That's fucking wicked...good job!!
  13. naahhhh I'm just fucking with you... it's some good shit though eh? have you felt the love for Hot Chip yet?
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