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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. does anyone have a copy of their new 12" with the Gladiators cover? I'd love to hear it...I'll buy it if I have to but I'd love to check it out first. guigsy, I'm looking at you....
  2. booya! Or maybe if he dresses up like a guy trying to dress up like the midget in willow.
  3. still too sketchy for me... I'll wait for another few days.
  4. word up boys! I missed it last night, but will be there with bells on next week. props to the PB and J
  5. I had no problems paying Zero for this, knowing that I'm probably going to pick up the discbox... I NEED that 180 gram vinyl!
  6. this album is goddamn brilliant. So much melody.... I can't even stand how good this is.
  7. i'm with rogers, but so far haven't been able to crack the phone part. anySIM is giving me some issues. I do enjoy being able to use the wi-fi features and the 3rd party apps, I just want them to crack the 1.1.1 so I don't have to keep downgrading to 1.0.2. I think this is the issue with not being able to et anySIM to work.
  8. sitting in the backyard, having a beer typing this on my new hotness Now, if they would just finish the 1.1.1 crack I'd be a happy man
  9. don't think I'll be making it, but have a blast for me Greg! All the new songs are killer!!
  10. fuuuuuuck. I thought this show was in December! goddamn it!
  11. anyone got some good recommendations on movies that recently been released on DVD...wanna go rent something but don't want to see anything shitty... I like a good comedy, sci fi, drama, a little action, - no romantic comedys however.
  12. man...that Woman and MAn track fucking shreds!
  13. THank you all! a great day it has been, just wonderful... Ollie...thank you, that's some of the best news I heard today
  14. i concur, heroes is great, but 24 holds my personal episode record at 18 episodes consecutively....
  15. hahaha brutal tune, but at least you're admitting it
  16. wind on the weathervane....
  17. happy bday Adam, looks like it was grandiose!
  18. you would have loved it Greg... it was the embodiment of everything that Dan is and represents. Pure creativity and exceptional talent.
  19. Arguably, one of the greatest days of my life. Today started, oh so, very wrong. I woke up to the blissfulness that is cleaning up dog urine freshly sprayed upon the kitchen floor. Followed by a burnt toast fire alarm->smashed picture frame due to an effort of trying to wave a towel in front of the alarm, right into the dog's food as he was eating, making me a half hour late for work. brutal. This could only get better right? Right! Fast forward to tonight....door man was a buddy from way back, hooked us up with VIP after show. score. tonights performance was the lanois I was expecting to see, the lanois I adore, the lanois that changed my appreciation for music forever. He was on tonight my friends. LAst night I was lamenting the lack of a backing abnd but tonight he shone through and it couldn't have been any better. He and Brian were loose, but flowing...last night seemed hurried, forced in some way, but tonight it was no pressure, just chillin'. 60% of the material was repeated, but tonights versions had meaning, and above all soul - which is what daniel exudes at even his most humble moments. Highlights include dan playing both our requests for Rocky World and Still Water... we got a few of he new tracks from his up coming album which are solid all the way through, "Here is, What is" which is the title to his movie and was accompanied beautifully by Serena. The Messenger was pitch perfect as was The Collection of Marie Claire (brian and dan were tight tight on this one!) A little Fire from Shine and the MAker to cap off the two hour set was epic, especially ass Dan kept refraining the end urging Brian Blade to keep it coming. The girls had the pitch tonight that they didn't have last night and what a difference! The Encore was a 25+ minute version of what I can only assume is a new song, possibly called 2 of a Kind featuring Garth Hudson ROCKING the synths....bad ASS! So then the after party. I got to talk with Brian Blade about what it was like playing in his fathers church, to working with Dan, to playing jazz. What a kind soul he is and utterly oblivious that he's one of the greatest drummers in the world right now. I said my thanks to GArth Hudson and told him what an honour it was to have heard him tickle the ivories with such genius. And Dan. Shaking that man's hand and extolling my appreciation for all that his body of work and performances have meant to me makes me the happiest person alive right now. The most humble and enigmatic person I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Awesome. I won't ever forget tonight.
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