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Cafe Dekcuf


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I went into Cafe Dekcuf last night, and here's a brief report.

First off, it seems like this place is seriously aimed at supporting the local music and art scene. They have a stack of cards at the bar which read:

=====begin card quote=====

We support Ottawa's Music and Art.

Do you?...Do You Really?

Supporting and promoting Ottawa's artists and musicians, Cafe Dekcuf welcomes beginners and professionals to common ground.

Owned and operated by musicians and artists, we understand where you're comming [sic] from and how to help.

Whether its [sic] displaying your audio or visual creations, the community inhales it all at Cafe Dekcuf.

=====end card quote=====

Thursdays is open stage night, and (based on the admittedly small sample I saw when I was there) it looks like the performers are largely singer/songwriters (e.g., usually one person with a guitar; I didn't see any drums or keyboards in the place). When I got there, a duo was on stage (electric and acoustic guitar), and one of the players (Brian?) was, I think, the owner/manager.

It seemed as if it was based on performers signing up with the owner, and going up on stage in turn, rather than an open get-up-on-stage-with-strangers-and-do-a-blues-shuffle-in-A jam.

Their sound setup looks pretty good, and I believe they were recording everything (I'm not sure what they do with the recordings) to what I think was a digital multitrack hard-drive recorder.

The decor is radically different from that of the Whipping Post; it's more of a modern downtown cafe than a slightly-run-down downtown bar. (But they do have draft beer now. :-)

From the flyers they had up, it looks like they're getting a pretty large number of bands in over the next while. (None I recognized, though.) I haven't found a website for them.

Bottom line: It's not the Whipping Post, but it looks to be a good addition to the music scene here in Ottawa. And with a regular open stage night, it looks to be actively encouraging the expansion of the scene.



P.S. I'd be up for trying to put together a group for an open stage night. (I was thinking percussion, guitar, and maybe keys?) Just a couple of jammy (and maybe instrumental) covers (I've had "Soul Sacrifice" by Santana running through my head all morning...), if anybody's interested.

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