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Interesting Xmas traditions


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I was thinking today, that every year I look forward to my Christmas Eve chinatownbeer tradition. Since grade 11, (which I guess is coming on like 11 years ago), the same group of friends and I have made the rounds to each others homes, given our respects to everyones family, and then headed to chinatown (the only place you can find an open bar on xmas eve).

4 or 5 years ago, we went to the Golden River, and 3 (of 5) of us got violent food poisoning from the greasy general tao's chicken. Spent Xmas morning puking so hard I blew all the blood vessels around my eyes and looked like a mutant.. and hearing: "I can't believe you got drunk on Christmas eve!!" "I swear I didn't mom!!". anyone have any interesting Xmas traditions?

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Speaking of Christmas eve traditions, you should come to Kingston and get trashed at my mothers house. It's the place where people go after they've done all the nice christmas things with their families. Some people show up after midnight. We've stayed up until 5 or 6 drinking a couple of times. Have even woke up having to drive some people home in the morning so they can open up their gifts with their families.

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