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Joe Mama vs. Jomomma?


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Okay, this is pretty funny and definitely has the potential to be a lot funnier.

About a month ago I recieved an email from some dude saying that his band, Joe Mama, has a claim on the name and all variations on it (i.e. Jomomma). I took a peek at their website and thought that he be no serious threat (if you take a peek you'll see why) - and kind of thought nothing of it. Nick, Jomomma's bass player, found this all very very amusing and started posting on their message board. Ultimately his posts have been edited and these 40 year old rockers have waged a turf war on Jomomma.

Now, these guys (Joe Mama) are from Orangeville and have never really had a gig but for some reason they think that their path to stadiums and fame is paved with gold.

Check out this response to an email:

"Sorry to tell you dude, but if you check the international band register, this JOE MAMA has been around longer than the funky cheezy hipster's from Waterloo.

Band name, Logo and everything else is trademarked and copy written. They can continue playing the local bar scene and using our trademark for now. We don't consider them a threat in anyway or form. Our music speaks for itself. We are more after the worldwide international market.

Our goal has never been to play little bars or clubs, but arena's and coliseums.

Sorry to disappoint you but we will not play this little game with these boys jomomma, so please tell them to act like adults or our lawyers can do this for us...

Joe Mama


Registered on the following dates below

Joe Mama 2001-02-20

Jomomma 2001-10-12"


I'm thinking that if any of you witty Sanctuarians are feeling up to it, a few anon posts on www.joe-mama.net would be hilarious (and a little shit-disturbing too).

You know, we wouldn't want anyone going to Edgefest expecting Jomomma.

web pagejoemamaphoto16_jpg.jpg



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completely different amount of each letter except for the J. Those dudes also have a dash in their name as well.

It might sound different when they say it because their halloween pumpkins have more teeth than them.

Check out their guestbook under Philip Lish.

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well - it's sad, they should have just ignored it, obviously the names are similar, but these things have a way of working themselves out... they totally shouldn't have come on so strong.

i've heard worse bands, they aren't so bad. and there are lots of precidents of good (and not so good) bands who hit mass album sales in their 40s... but that picture doesn't make them look so cool eh? smile.gif" border="0

i dont think we should flood their webpage -- it's annoying though eh? so loud!

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jesus, imagine the hit increase these boners have had since we stumbled upon them.. i have put in at least 5 entries, all entirely removed.. i wonder if one of the band members spends all day monitoring the message board.

I'm gonna try and see if I can slip any past them.. the one with the jomomma tunes references is the best so far.

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This was my original post...

What is your name?

Philip Lish

How did you find this Web Site?

Followed a smelly path

Where are you from?

Genoa city

Do you have any comments?

I think that they got into band so they can get some chicks. They can't get married to their REAL sweetheart cause there is a law against that.

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Nick put his return email address on a post and got this in return:

Thank so very much for visiting our site. It is a pleasure to have fans of the alias jomomma come and listen to our songs.

We understand why so so many fans have come to visit. It is the music, and the need for some great tunes.

Please watch our new video on Much Music and YTV next week. We are being featured on CBC radio, breakfast television, and meeting with Universal this week to probably more than likely sign with them. Of course being a band of our calibre, the deal will have to be worth it. Already turned down one label.

have a good one

Joe Mama

I don't know whether to laugh or scratch my head...

I fear this is going to be found out as Joe just put a post on the Canadian Phish Trader's Board about their new CD.

Maybe a 2 band battle of the bands?

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What a bunch of morons.... I put a post saying how delightful it was to have them out there, since all of my Cinderella tapes had worn out and that the BC Rich flourescent guitar still lived on.

It took all of 20 minutes for the message to get deleted.

Too bad about the impending record deal (if it is for real) since that may mean this won't just be a Message Board joke, and they may actually be able to force you to change your name. May I suggest Jomomma X (for those of you who can remember the late 60's folk band Bush- who forced the alt rockers to changed their name here in Canada only)

Good to hear about the album Mike! I am totally pumped to head back on 24 and check you guys out. Let us know if you are heading out East, we can do promotions and offer up our floor.



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Its a little scary how dilusional, paranoid and angry old rockers can get. That picture of the guy shredding is incredible.. you can't make up stuff this funny.

the other thing is, that we see the humour, but if the guy writing is telling the truth (please god- no) the general public and record labels types obviously dont.. i wonder if joe-mama will be the straw that breaks the bad popular music swing we've been suffering under. They get signed, open for creed the audience hates them, revolts and realizes, they sound just like creed.. thats where it'll all begin.

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he's hip, he's cool, he's 45 !

ah, there are way too many young cool bands out there playing creed music -- so i'm highly doubting anyone is going to offer them any serious deal, also obviously you know that that just cuz you're signed doesn't mean you're going to have any real rotation or even proper distribution or financial backing ...

but i still think it's unfair to make fun of them just cuz their old,i would make fun of them cuz they are old, uncool and still incredibly immature. They're just all old enough to have proper dayjobs that they can all kick in a few grand a year for videos and studio time - it'll be a waste of the kids college funds in the end...

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