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The HEAT is on - our scene in jeopardy


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The heat has been turned on and WAY up since I have been into it. You HAVE to watch your back. Heck, we even got over-run one time because some crusty 21 year old security guard told the others that we were selling N2O from our tent and we werent.

I have seen WAY TOO MANY busts to count, the last stuff was at Finger Lakes last summer. The same 2 cops (wearing tyedyes) would bust someone, take them to a nearby cruiser (right on the lot) and go off into the crowd to catch more minnows, we walked along side them here and there warning people.

This happens ALL THE TIME. Be careful, DO NOT SELL ANYTHING and be sooooo very careful if you have to buy. NEVER EVER EVER NEVER EVER CARRY ANYTHING ACROSS THE BORDER!

Dont do anything that will draw attention to yourself, all shows are major heat scores, and like I have said, it has been like that since the early 90's


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Originally posted by howler:

what the hell is Oxy-Contin?

Oxycontin is a prescription painkiller; it's a synthetic opiod, similar to percodan, but with a longer-lasting effect. It's a godsend to people with chronic pain, as you only have to take it every 12 hours or so, whereas something like percodan has to be taken every four hours (which makes sleeping with chronic pain tough, as you have to get up every four hours [in pain] to take more percodan).

It's become known as "hillbilly heroin" in the news, as drug users in places like Kentucky found that you can crush the pills, and snort it or inject for a very strong and long-lasting high. It's as addicting and OD-inducing as heroin; some lawmakers are looking to ban it outright, which is causing some with chronic pain major anguish (I saw one interview with a woman who said she'd kill herself if she couldn't get it, as her chronic pain was overwhelming).

If we're talking "save the scene", I think one of the things we need to do to save it is get rid of the jerks who are showing up to shows with opiates and the like; I get nervous when a scene starts to include hard drugs.



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OxyContin, approved by the FDA in 1995, is a time-released form of oxycodone, an opium derivative, which is the same active ingredient in Percodan and Percocet. OxyContin is intended for use by terminal cancer patients and chronic pain sufferers. It has been linked to at least 120 overdose deaths nationwide.

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Hey Brad...i don't think anyone should be able to have a say about what i put into my body except for myself.

you should know yourself, know your limits, and be responsible and party safely...now i say this for myself, but for those 16 year old kids buying the shit off the street...that's a different story.

how do you fix this problem without punishing the rest of us responsible users?

tough one.

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I don't have a problem with what an individual chooses to put into his/her body, but I do have a problem when the individual's behaviour becomes irresponsible (e.g., drinking alcohol is OK, drinking alcohol and driving is *not* OK).

I guess my dislike for hard drugs in "the scene" is more practical than moral. If people can use hard drugs without it becoming a problem for those around them, it's OK. If it does become a problem (i.e., a small number of hard drug users causes mass arrests of soft drug users), then it's not OK.

Any scene will attract irresponsible people once it grows to or beyond a certain size. If the scene itself can hem in the irresponsible behaviour* (which it should try to do anyway), it might help to keep the cops out of it. I'm hopeful, but not overly so.



* As is happening in the rave scene, for example.

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i agree with you 100% then Brad.

those fucks that can't handle their shit shouldn't be harshin' my buzz when they get all toasted up. makes for a bad scene. i'll never foget in Deer Creek '98 with the guy speedballing to death a few campers away.


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Originally posted by Booche:


The heat has been turned on and WAY up since I have been into it. You HAVE to watch your back. Heck, we even got over-run one time because some crusty 21 year old security guard told the others that we were selling N2O from our tent and we werent.

I have seen WAY TOO MANY busts to count, the last stuff was at Finger Lakes last summer. The same 2 cops (wearing tyedyes) would bust someone, take them to a nearby cruiser (right on the lot) and go off into the crowd to catch more minnows, we walked along side them here and there warning people.

This happens ALL THE TIME. Be careful, DO NOT SELL ANYTHING and be sooooo very careful if you have to buy. NEVER EVER EVER NEVER EVER CARRY ANYTHING ACROSS THE BORDER!

Dont do anything that will draw attention to yourself, all shows are major heat scores, and like I have said, it has been like that since the early 90's


Wow! I had no idea it was getting to be like this. We always show up in the lot, drink beer, buy nugs without a care. Guess it's time for a wake up call...

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you could always make gelcaps of shrooms for when you cropss the border and hide them in your vitamin containers.

seriously dudes...stay in canadaas much as you can this year...tours are heatscore i've been hearing and who tours canada?

i'd be more inclined to travel and see allt he festivals here this year...america definitely has a lot of choices but you can see more shows up here for the same money.

toronto and montreal(and otttawa) jazzfests, tulip fest, bluesfests, om, come together, evolve, and so on and so forth...hit a couple border shows and bonnaroo...maybe gathering if you've got a ticket...but don't be a tour hog if you're worried about the 5-0

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Glad to hear it Cyber Hippie. You have to be very careful. It used to seem to me to be a safe haven where you felt 'untouchable', but trust me, there are more narcs there than you can possibly imagine. Charlette coliseum in 95 is a perfect example. They were herding and hoarding up Deadheads like they were cattle, bringing them inside the basement of the arena and booking them right there and then with a judge on the premises. I have NEVER seen so many Heads begging for money to get "so and so" out on bail. This happens at a number of other venues as well, Nassau Coliseum I believe and ones that are escaping me........Deadheads/et al Heads are such an easy target for local law enforcement and the DEA.

Treyter is right when he says know your source. Watch the dude/dudette make a few sales. and watch what happens to the people that buy.....no need to rush into any sales.

The lot is a scary place. Campgrounds and hotels are pretty safe but ALWAYS watch yourself. As long as you conceal, you'll be alright but if you ever had the 'untouchable' feeling, lose it now.

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This has been going on for 30 years.

I went to the Ratdog show in Cleveland and got chased by the DEA. Luckily, my buddy and I got away but I had to throw away a beer and eat 2 grams of mushrooms. People jumped in the river to get away, it was nuts.

cops should find better things to do then bust people smoking weed.

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