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quotes on war


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Every day, I read the same sites for news. One of the most up-to-date sites that I visit - thanks to dr. hux - is www.drudgereport.com

It pretty much filters out all of the crap I don't need to read. Most days, I read the some pretty crazy media statements.

I'm sure everyone has some to share. If you come across any bizzare quotes, post 'em right here.

This is the latest one that made me bang my head on stuff in the room...

"The sound of live fire echoed across Northern Kuwait Tuesday, as US troops tuned up their weapons like an orchestra on opening night. "

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all related to war....

"the first person to hurl an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization" freud

"we seek peace, nowing peace is the climate of freedom" eisenhower

"there was never a good war, or a bad peace"

benjamin franklin

"between two evils choose neither, between two goods choose both" tyron edwards

" there is no more dangerous misconception that this which misconstures the arms race as the cause rather than a symptom of the tensions and divisions which threaten nuclear war. If the histroy of the past fifty years teaches us anything, it is that peace does not follow disarmament, disarmament follows peace." Bernard M. Baruch

"the people must be the ones to win, not the war, because war has nothing to do with humanity, War is something inhuman."

zlata Filipovic, child from sarajevo

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My buddy scotty told me this at sanzwill last night

"if the people lead, the leaders will have to follow"

and thats what it comes down to, if we get everyone to write to govt. and go to protests and show them we are not happy with this maybe it would change, i dont know, maybe so and maybe not

control for smilers cant be bought

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"I think war might be gods way of teaching us geography"-Paul Rodriguez

"If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war."-Pentagon official explaining why the U.S. military censored graphic footage from the Golf war.

"If we don't end war, war will end us."-H.G.Wells

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in a final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed - those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone - it is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children." - Dwight Eisenhower, speech(1953)

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Originally posted by howler:

"If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war."-Pentagon official explaining why the U.S. military censored graphic footage from the

Well, the desert did resemble a huge sand trap...with tanks...



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ahhhh memories are flooding back....I got my 15 minutes of fame during the last Golf war. I handcuffed myself inside the lookout room of the Peace tower only to be carried out and set loose, where I created a diversion for my partner to scale the outside of the tower to hang a banner....but oops....he got as high as the gargoil which broke off sending him tumbling to the cement...ouchskies.The diversion.... My parents were pleased to see me (on the evening news)jumping the barracades and running like a wild lunitic away from the Peace tower only to be chased by a monster sized copp who unable to grab my body....got me by my long hippy hair.....ouchskies again.....I've never hit pavement so fast in my life.

So hey mabey I can get another 15....but ahh that was a time when I had alot more hope....this time....I think I'll just drink BEER.

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a little dated, but this is the kinda stuff that forms the building blocks of the military mind today!

"The bomb will not start a chain reaction in the water, converting it all to gas and letting all the ships on all the oceans drop down to the bottom. It will not blow out the bottom of the sea and let all the water run down the hole. It will not destroy gravity. I am not an atomic playboy."

Vice Admiral William P. Blandy

Commander of Operation Crossroads (Bikini Atoll)

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