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BNB @ next CTMF


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Just thought I'd point out for those who haven't noticed it, that the Gift From Above we humans call Mark Tonin has announced that BNB will be playing at the next CTMF. Go to his post on the CTMF discussion board to see what I mean.

BNB. How's that retirement going guys? [Roll Eyes]

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This is INCREDIBLE news. These guys may not have realized what they meant to alot of people when they decided to can it.

It's a true testament to the Come Together Fest, knowing that the experience there was enough to help show them how much fun this scene is, and the great things people will endure to enjoy incredible music.

Don't feel ripped off...feel FABULOUS for supporting the band. I'm sure that the show you went to was partly responsible for the boys to continue playing.


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I understand what your saying wish...for me however, I don't feel ripped off or anything, I'm overjoyed like some other folks here. During the last few "official" bNb months, there was some serious troubles goign on from what I could gather (Jeff being out of the band for whatever reason and all the shit from that, fans complaining about setlist and whatnot) and perhaps things felt unsure for them. All I can confidently say is that these last bNb shows I've cought (CTMF, Ottawa final show, k-town final show etc...) have been the best bNb shows I have ever seen...they were playing simply awesome...so, that being said, I'm ready for another kick ass bNb show at the next CTMF...I'm gonna enjoy it while I can!!!!

my $0.02

Giggles [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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I can see where you're coming from NW. But there's two issues at hand here. Would you have been as upset if the gig were an hour away and cost less or is it the principle of breaking up and a quick reunion?

The money thing is tough beans, I know but hey, this makes up for all those ridiculously cheap shows you used to catch at the ACC [Wink]

As far as the break-up or lack there of, I can't tell you how depressing the Guelph show was for me, because that was the best jamming I'd ever heard them pull off. I also can't tell you how much I was smiling at Frontiertown this May when they all took the stage. They were ON and I prayed there would be more again.

Here's what I hope can be avoided. A constant "we broke up/we're back/we broke up thing" If the BNB is going to be just a temporary band so be it. Personally, I think they still have a ton to give musically but band's are tricky, maintaining personal relationships for longer than 5 year is tricker. Looking forward to Come Together in July, Downtime whenever, whatever other band members may try and of course, here's hopin a little BNB (and NorthernWish a little S.T. and N.C) at Evolve. Did I just hint I might be going again......


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that is all it is scottie. I just want to think that I believe in these bands and they believe in us.

I would like to think that BNB could continue doing sporadic shows, while still maintaining their fanbase.

And after more thought Scottie, it was infact the 4 hours and the $$$ involved. It was a tough time having just moved out here financially. And it was damn expensive, so I am a little biased.

Again I feel great for all of you that get to see these guys. I wasn't driving all that way to Halifax to complain, its just the Who Paranoia. Christ aren't they still on their 1980 Farewell Tour??????

Peace Cats, I just love this place to vent.


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On one hand I am really happy for all of you Mid Coasters that Ontario will get to see a BNB show, if they couldn't be bothered to see their last run through Upper Canada in late March early April. But I thought they were done?

I went waaaayyyyyy out of my way (it was the wrong weekend to be doing it- and my parents even got the cash call which hadn't happened in a couple of years). We made it out to the Saint John show which was easy, but really believing these would be the last shows, we packed up the car and made the 4 hour drive to Halifax, paid for a hotel and thought it was money well spent. And it wasn't cheap........

The show was great, but like alot of stuff on the east coast there were no tapers. So no record of that great night, and now it is being trivialized.

So does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Maybe it seems selfish, but do you think that if all of the folks who made it all the way out to California for 10.6.00 and 10.7.00 would be pleased that they put their money in the right place if Phish had gone and played later in the fall on the east coast?

Pheeling Ripped Off.


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Well, I don't feel ripped off financially, but I do recall painfully watching what I thought would be the last BNB show that I would ever see at the Babylon in Ottawa. The whole show I couldn't really get into it, because it felt a bit like a funeral. I was in serious mourning. Had I known that there would be more BNB shows, I could have saved all of those nasalgic feelings and some grief.

Don't get me wrong, I am THRILLED that BNB are continuing to play together, and perhaps they they did truly intend to part ways and never play together again. Could it be that the backlash to the break-up and the outpouring of love and support prompted them to continue making the music we enjoy? If that's the case, we can hardly critisize their getting back together, as it is merely a result of our requests.

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