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just discovered your site and am poking around. although i live way out in the sticks i do catch caution jam at the college and we always travel to shows. my friend is leaving for whistler next week and we are having a disagreement- is it worth the extra week or two in ontario to catch lesh and friends in toronto? any opinions?


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Definitely catch Lesh. Remember, it's a triple-bill: Soulive, moe., and Phil. Scratch that: it's a quadruple bill, 'cause there's an afterparty with Nero at the Comfort Zone (with a free bus from the lot at the Amphitheatre).

Hell, it's almost a quintuple bill, 'cause Nero's also doing a show the night before at the Horseshoe.

There's a large number of Sanctuarians going, so this'll also be a good chance to hook up and meet people.

Welcome to the Sanctuary; hope to see you at the show.



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Is it worth it?


But for me, I figure it will be the best 12 hrs of music I will have caught in 2002.

With a name like JerryBear, how cant your friend go?

Whats 2 weeks in the grand scheme of things?

I skipped out on Dead Albany95 to save money for school and cause "I'll get to see them again"

If I only knew back then.

(AND, I didnt go back to school for 3 more years)

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okay, okay, i'm going! thanks for your encouragement and info. i didn't know the line up (except for phil). i've heard good things about moe but haven't seen them yet! guess i'll have to pack up the car and head outta the country. see you all there, whistler friend in tow or not! peace


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hi catphish, yup i'm a local. born and raised. after having left this area for greener pastures (toronto, jasper, toronto) i find myself back here trying to dig rural ontario life. i am neither the cause or effect of caution jam at the colleg, but i do enjoy it! so where did you stomp when you were in lindsay?

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Funny Boochey...although I guess I did spend a few nights watching Muskie/bears games and drinking in the parking lot. Spent many of night drinking by the Iron Bridge or further down the river at The "ropes"(If you know where that is I will bust a gutt). I tried my best to avoid the flashing disco floor of the york but I always seemed to end up there at some point on a Saturday night. Before I left I stared hanging out at the Horse and Coaches enjoying the Jukebox. ( Greg the bartender used to just open it and let us play songs all night).

What side of the river you from???

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hey catphish

i actually live btw fenelon and lindsay so i dunno what side of the river you would consider that. coach and horse eh? the irish house is also a very good place to relax and interact with an interesting mix of lindsay people. although i've had my share of evenings at the york. now i only seem to end up at the grand after soccer games with the girls.

jerry bear

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Can you beleive I was almost kicked out of the Irish House, with some careful negotiating I was able to stay ...I did'nt think that could ever happen. A intresting bunch of Lindsay people for sure.

mmmm...yummy Grand Ceasers, I always try to find time for one or two when I go visit.

did you go to Highschool in Lindsay or Fenelon?

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