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was that the balerina guy?

if it was, you know the dude, mister figure skater in a dance, getting the ovation during the brass band sunday afternoon, he was the most interesting person dancing i think i may have ever seen in my life. all shows. all festivals everything. he takes the cake.

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Ok, ok, ok, ok...............

I keep reading/hearing all the BnB talk and I have to get in on this now.

If you have to say something negative about Burt to someone, you really have to bring up that facts that:

a: These guys were plagued by sound problems worse than anything I have ever seen. It cant be easy for a band when they spend half their set trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. First the keys, then the guitar, then the drums, then the guitar again, then the bass, then the entire left side......Something along those lines, it was so vicous and I wanted to help.

b: They dont tour/play too often now, so lower those expectations. I was just happy getting to see them again and I will gladly open my arms in the future. The Sloth and I had an interesting conversation regarding this topic last night.

Now, considering all of the above, especially that sound issue, I thought Burt did quite well. It may not have been the most inspiring performance, but at least we got to keep dancing.

Hey Tungsten, "knock, knock"........................

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Man what a great weekend... that is the way a festival should be run... Everyone just having a good time, not a worry in the world... The highlight for me musically was definately nero... what a fun set... I think we should cut the BNB boys a bit of a break though... The sound problems they had during the first half of their set were brutal and I think would bring anybody's energy down.... once they got those problems worked out though I thought the second half of their set was GREAT!... However, I was probably floating about 5 feet off the ground by that time so I may not be the best judge...

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There is no way one could lay out a festival and make everyone happy with who plays what slot..........personally, I couldnt believe how many people came out for the Cats, so they obviously have a good sized fan base (which, typically will determine who plays when).

So, on that note, for all the people that stayed for Burt as they worked out those sound issues, they obviously have a huge fan-base as well.

Burt could have kicked some SERIOUS ass and I think that is why they headlined. On that note alone, they should have headlined. They certainly deserved it at the very least.......

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Thanks Ms. H.

I totally agree. If the music was subpar then was the headlining slot just for nostalgia or ego purposes.

Its too bad about the sound problems, but you gotta buck up and give it when the glitches are eradicated.

Sounds like you all had a blast. The East Coast is certainly lacking in community events like this one. Be on the lookout for Evolve though.....



ps. nero rocks

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yo, finaly starting to come around from the weekend.It was so nice to meet all you guys from the sanctuary, I had a very warm welcome and hope to party with you guys again soon. I ment to back and come back and look for you guys again but just like everyone else everything is a little foggy right now.

Thanks again guys.

ps. Im pretty damn sure thats not the balerina guy, but that was a highlight of the weekend for sure

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wow...did that really happen?...all i can say is.......Diesel dog rocked the saloon....but drive by leslie blew my mind...and i think i fell in love with a girl named kerri....i don't think i can convey anything else into words....aldous huxley i am not.....my enjoyment for frontier town has become a love affair...and when i woke up i felt pleasantly used....

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It sure was hard to go back to work this week! I am still in party-mode and can't wait for this weekend. CTMF jittered me up good...I feel so alive again! What an incredible weekend! Deisel Dog blew me away in the saloon! Crystal had me laughing so hard in there, dancing to "Ram" (???) and singing "I'm a man." Good shit! Saturday and Sunday seem to be blurring together for me now [Confused] , but I do remember the swimming (how refreshing!) and throwing around a baseball with Treyter! Well, I threw, and he ran! (Sorry hunny!) I really enjoyed meeting Tungsten (Man, you're a blast!! Thanks for all the good laughs!), and getting to know Stapes better. More good times to come! Good times with the Young sisters and all the musicians that entertained us in the afternoon. Those logic problems didn't do shit for me....I was a mess at work this week! floating.............floating.....................floating..............................bye-bye deadlines!

There's just so much to write, and I'm melting here! I just have one more important thing to say here..........

NERO! NERO! NERO!!! HOLY SMACKERS! You guys were incredibly energizing! I can't wait for another dose! I almost fell on my ass so many times from dancing so hard! Thank you!!!

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Just checkin in late (quite frankly just getting home) to put in my two cents on the whole weekend. First of all, thanks again to the Mark's (wilson and tonin) for all their hard work. As well, it was great to see the Santu-city up and running. Sorry about the killer-tarp attempt!

As for the music, I was only there for the now contriversial Sunday line-up. Having careful read everything over, there is a couple of things that we have to realize. First, both bands played well. Maybe not the best we've ever heard from both, but they did play good shows.

Second, it was a hot summer evening coupled with heavy intake and/or from what I understand most of our crew overdoing it the night before and that may have drained the energy levels of all involved.

Finally, we also have to be aware of our personal biases. Think about who you know the best personally, who you secretly (or not so) would have like to have seen close CTMF and the argument does slightly become tinted. I'm going to go on the record as saying that I really enjoyed the Nero set and probably didn't give the BNB set it's dues due to wandering, partying and lack of attention although what I heard I liked.

But as usual, it truly was the people that made it. Stay tuned for some pictures coming your way soon.



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