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Very interesting article on music and politics!

Northern Wish

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From today's New York Times Op-Ed page:

Channels of Influence


By and large, recent pro-war rallies haven't drawn nearly as many people as

antiwar rallies, but they have certainly been vehement. One of the most

striking took place after Natalie Maines, lead singer for the Dixie Chicks,

criticized President Bush: a crowd gathered in Louisiana to watch a

33,000-pound tractor smash a collection of Dixie Chicks CD's, tapes and

other paraphernalia. To those familiar with 20th-century European history it

seemed eerily reminiscent of. . . . But as Sinclair Lewis said, it can't

happen here.

Who has been organizing those pro-war rallies? The answer, it turns out, is

that they are being promoted by key players in the radio industry - with

close links to the Bush administration.

The CD-smashing rally was organized by KRMD, part of Cumulus Media, a radio

chain that has banned the Dixie Chicks from its playlists. Most of the

pro-war demonstrations around the country have, however, been organized by

stations owned by Clear Channel Communications, a behemoth based in San

Antonio that controls more than 1,200 stations and increasingly dominates

the airwaves.

The company claims that the demonstrations, which go under the name Rally

for America, reflect the initiative of individual stations. But this is

unlikely: according to Eric Boehlert, who has written revelatory articles

about Clear Channel in Salon, the company is notorious - and widely hated -

for its iron-fisted centralized control.

Until now, complaints about Clear Channel have focused on its business

practices. Critics say it uses its power to squeeze recording companies and

artists and contributes to the growing blandness of broadcast music. But now

the company appears to be using its clout to help one side in a political

dispute that deeply divides the nation.

Why would a media company insert itself into politics this way? It could, of

course, simply be a matter of personal conviction on the part of management.

But there are also good reasons for Clear Channel - which became a giant

only in the last few years, after the Telecommunications Act of 1996 removed

many restrictions on media ownership - to curry favor with the ruling party.

On one side, Clear Channel is feeling some heat: it is being sued over

allegations that it threatens to curtail the airplay of artists who don't

tour with its concert division, and there are even some politicians who want

to roll back the deregulation that made the company's growth possible. On

the other side, the Federal Communications Commission is considering further

deregulation that would allow Clear Channel to expand even further,

particularly into television.

Or perhaps the quid pro quo is more narrowly focused. Experienced

Bushologists let out a collective "Aha!" when Clear Channel was revealed to

be behind the pro-war rallies, because the company's top management has a

history with George W. Bush. The vice chairman of Clear Channel is Tom

Hicks, whose name may be familiar to readers of this column. When Mr. Bush

was governor of Texas, Mr. Hicks was chairman of the University of Texas

Investment Management Company, called Utimco, and Clear Channel's chairman,

Lowry Mays, was on its board. Under Mr. Hicks, Utimco placed much of the

university's endowment under the management of companies with strong

Republican Party or Bush family ties. In 1998 Mr. Hicks purchased the Texas

Rangers in a deal that made Mr. Bush a multimillionaire.

There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear, but a good

guess is that we're now seeing the next stage in the evolution of a new

American oligarchy. As Jonathan Chait has written in The New Republic, in

the Bush administration "government and business have melded into one big

`us.' " On almost every aspect of domestic policy, business interests rule:

"Scores of midlevel appointees . . . now oversee industries for which they

once worked." We should have realized that this is a two-way street: if

politicians are busy doing favors for businesses that support them, why

shouldn't we expect businesses to reciprocate by doing favors for those

politicians - by, for example, organizing "grass roots" rallies on their


What makes it all possible, of course, is the absence of effective

watchdogs. In the Clinton years the merest hint of impropriety quickly blew

up into a huge scandal; these days, the scandalmongers are more likely to go

after journalists who raise questions. Anyway, don't you know there's a war


Somethings up peeps, this is friggin scary!


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If you're seeing a concert this summer, chances are it will be at one of the Clear Channel Venues listed below, not just limited to amphitheatres, but clubs et. al. :

From their website: "Clear Channel Entertainment is the world’s leading producer and marketer of live entertainment events. Each year, more than 66 million people attend approximately 26,000 events staged by the company, including live concerts, Broadway productions, West End and touring Broadway shows, family entertainment shows, sports and motor sports events.

Clear Channel Entertainment’s network of world-class promoters, live entertainment venues (including 41 U.S. amphitheaters), and lifestyle marketing resources provides an unsurpassed one-stop shop for entertainers and corporate marketers. This unique blend of resources provides consumers with a high-quality live entertainment experience at every touch point – from purchasing tickets to attending shows.

Clear Channel Entertainment also owns the independently operated SFX Sports Group, a leading talent management and marketing agency that represents several hundred of the world’s elite professional athletes in basketball, baseball, football, hockey, tennis, golf, soccer, figure skating and the Olympics. SFX Media represents top sports and news broadcasters."

Check out all the venues here:



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Just checking this out again.....really insidious stuff....any ideas though on what can be done...I guess getting the word out is a good start....I wonder if our favorite dudes know about this....perhaps Phish,the dead et might choose to attempt avoidance of these venues if they knew....mabey not.....

any ideas? I guees it's up to the customer....and looking at all the fucking suvs in the lots....well I don't think the customers by and large give a rats ass.

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Just another unfortunate example of the creeping deathgrip the suits have gotten on the music industry as a whole in the past 30 or so years. All the more reason for us to support independent music ... but I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir on that score.

Rob Not Bob

NP : Hawkwind - Atomhenge '76 : Live

"Reefer madness .... has stolen all their souls!"

... although given current events, perhaps a quote from "Hassan I Sahba" would be more appropriate ...

"Petrodollar, petrodollar!"

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Does Michael Moore know about this? [Confused] I don't know whats scarier...the fact that these stations are doing this or that people are showing up to these demonstrations just because some radio station is telling them too. Well I can't afford any shows in the US this summer anyway, but I certainly would think twice before going knowing all this. Unfortunately people will still go. After all seeing your favorite band is more important than stupid political stuff isn't it? [Roll Eyes] You know this would be another good reason to go see "it"...no sponsers! Although is the Loring Air Force Base still owned by the military? Hmmm...


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....man this world could be better....it's hard to do anything without it being linked to some horrifying monstosity....the food you eat

the gas in our cars

the clothes we buy

the furniture we buy

the cars we buy

the computers we use

the drinks we consume

the paper we wipe our stinkin buts with...............................................

.....well everyone knows what I'm yarbling about.......soon it will be the very air we breathe....(in Davey-boys words)...brought to you buy...........................................................

.............it's disheartening because for me ( I'm sure so many of you too)......going to these places and hearing awe inspiring music... takes me away to another place where all of the bullshit in this world dissappears...........and now this......

grrrrrrrrrrr......I used to live a 10 k hike up the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere with no road, T.V, phone, inside toilet or hot water.....it was great for awhile but eventually it was time to come down the mountain........................................................

Might be time to go back up soon. [Mad]

more than my 2 cents.....oops...current events have my feathers all ruffled. [Wink]

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You're on it Howler....

The key is to live on that mountain and pick some serious bluegrass.... and then in the summers throw some nice parties a la frontiertown and bring in some headline talent etc etc...

Someone help me out, but isn't that how Hookahville got going really?

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