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Tom Green wins the toaster

Davey Boy 2.0

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Yeah- that was a weird way to start the night.

Then Dr. Hux rocked the house like I've never seen them do.

THen I saw the worst band in the fucking world... JULIUS!! What a travesty. I can't believe I managed to stay out til almost 2, and get semi-toasted.. Gotta learn to make that call early in the night..

Julius' number 1 hit-single..

Egg Soda!! [Roll Eyes] .. with the catchy chorus..

"Egg Sooooda- by my side,

Egg Soda- By my side..

Egg Soda by my side.. "

What the fuck is Egg Soda?

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Guest Low Roller

Tom Green was either completely wasted or borderline suicidal. I don't think I've ever seen a person with their lower lip so low that it was touching their chin, while they prop up their head by holding their hair.

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Thanks everyone. We had a blast last night. With all due respect, I think Jordie from Julius is a pretty darn good sax player. When he played with us he tore it up. I can't say he played as well with his own band though, I don't think their style allowed for a lot of the free-style jazz/funk that he seems pretty good at. Good musician I think, we sure were happy he joined us for a song or two and were happy to be asked to open for them.

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Thanks for coming out Tom and everyone....we are getting our show-legs back, it's great to have an understanding audience who is supportive. 3 shows in 7 days! a few too many song repeats, but we'll be back soon with some new new stuff, and some new old stuff.

We are thinking about bringing a sax player on board as well, that was fun, thanks Jordy and Julius. Thanks for taping bradm!

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I've got the tape on right now, even as I fumblingly type, and it sounds great: strong and clear.

Like the DoS tape, I'm amazed at the way you can hear each instrument*. I've never heard Ms. H sound stronger (sonically and musically), and you can even hear her bongo in the mix.

I tried to get a SBD patch, but Justin said he didn't have any outputs, so I just taped the mics up near the right-side PA speaker.

I'll be bringing everything to Dekcuf tonight, so passing-around for listenage will serve pretty well as a warm-up for Days Of You.



* Jo's vocals and dave-O's guitar are a bit lost though.

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nobody knew him and no one in the band had the balls to ask him to stop.. i went up to him and was like "is the show over??" and he was like "yep- you're late buddy.. sorry" meanwhile the Julius guys were sidestage contemplating their options..

I mentioned to the bassplayer that it looked a little unprofessional to have someone 'playing' the drums at setbreak and he was like "WHAT am i supposed to do?? Grab him by the hair!!?? Thats the door man's job!!" and i was like "do you think the doorman knows he isn't your friend??" then i thought he went to get Ian, but it turned out he just blended into the group of people at the bar.

finally justin came bakc and asked the guy who he was, he pretty much ran out of the bar.. hahaha.

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