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So Fatties AREN'T at PjC, but at Casbah, sun.


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fat cats at the casbah sunday nights is news to me???????????????

to bad i guess i'll never get to see play in hamilton again. with managment at the casbah basicly telling me that they don't want me near the place [Confused] there not to happy about the scene thats been growing at PJ's.

i don't really know whats up with that place other they hate me forb picking up on there slack. the casbah is the place that at one time i really loved to be there, i'd be there some times up to 5 times a week. now they wont even give me my fucking mic stand back. this is way its takes so much work to get a vibe going in that room. lots of people aren't happy with what happened to that bar.


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It has changed for the worse. I hate getting nasty looks from the bar staff just because my eyeballs are a little - oh, puffy, red and glazed. Used to be you'd get an understanding smile.

I guess from the Fatties perspective, they'll give it another go. They have been playing at La Luna-associated venues for upwards of 5 or 6 years now. As much as I love Pepper Jacks and trust Ken's efforts to get good music coming through, only time will tell if it will survive like La Luna's has. In many ways, it is still an unknown quantity.

Shane - maybe I'll see you in Dundas on Saturday night?

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Well from where I see it all...

For how Derek treated Doug, I haven't and won't go to Casbah on a Thurs night. I get invited every week and clearly explain to people why I won't go. My personal statement. As well, as I made a point of telling Derek that he fckd up and it wasn't cool at all.

Its a wierd situation because Derek and Doug simply did not like one another at all. That said Derek proceeded with a total lack of tact in how he let Doug go which was obviously very wrong. I go to extra lengths to support Doug at other venues now.

As far as the rest of the Casbah staff, I find everyone in the bar to be generally really nice. After I spent my last cash at the end of last night I asked the guy bartender to give me a free beer for Ali because she had run out too and he did so with a big smile saying "no problem, I've seen her here before". I always get that treatment there. I also find the vibe at the bar has been warming slowly since the original opening. Haven't noticed being scrutinized for my 'allergies'. [Wink]

As I said before, Derek wasn't great at running a bar. Doesn't understand musical scenes at all. Makes a great sandwich, not a people person. In the past couple of months though he seems to have dropped out of being very involved. Now they have that Jamie guy booking. Maybe that will lead to better treatment of certain bands?

For me, I go see my friends and other musicians who support my trying-to-enjoy-life equilibrium. Except Thursdays @ Casbah. Kenny and the growing scene at Pepperjacks is a great thing and I'm sure it will flourish. I also enjoy Mermaids, 33 and Polos even though I've seen atrocities out of each concerning certain bands at times and have occasionally vetoed my attendance for a while from each.

From a music fan perspective, the more venues providing great bands in town the better. If a bar screws up bad enough it becomes an easy choice not to go there.

I saw a lot of people from out of town enjoy themselves thoroughly last night(and Saturday's Warsawpack @ Casbah). To me that leads to a happy, growing local scene. Thats a good thing. [smile]


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Here my 2 cents,

I personally love Pepper Jacks for what Shane and Ken are doing for the scene and I hope one day my schedule clears up so I can help along side them. The Casbah has done nothing but taint our scene by eliminating our music from its stage, hiking up beer prices and firing Chris Briscoe (even though I can't comment as to I don't know what happened).

I love the Fat Cats and always will. They were the first bar band I ever say when I was 13 and I will continue to see them live. I just hope one day they will move to the club that is the future of our scene in Hamilton.

Peace out-


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Why wouldnt' they want you at teh Casbah Show--whooore? Do you mean for recording purposes, or just being there?

It sounds like Pepper Jacks is a great place because they have more jammy music, but does it really matter where the Fatties play?

At least you get to see 'em weekly if you have the money and the energy to have fun!

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Well, Chrisoe told me he left the Casbah to focus on his own life and family and to get into the studio to record a CD of his music which has always been his dream. Running the Casbah was taking up too much of him at this point in life.

I saw Wassabi and Warsawpack and 2 fat cat shows at Casbah in the past 2 weeks so I don't know if I can say they don't let our bands play there. Doug and Wassabi at Pepperjacks adds up to 6 amazing shows in 2 weeks which makes me smile lots. Tala tomorrow night makes 7. [smile] Besides going entirely broke, I've been swimming in great shows.

As for them not liking someone for putting on jam shows elsewhere that seems strange. Jamie the new booker wants to get more local dj, rock and punky shows so I don't see why they would care much. What did they say to you Show-whore? Seems wierd... Maybe they're afraid of you because your Wassabi show ROCKED and theirs was much quieter. [Wink]

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Jamie the new booker wants to get more local dj, rock and punky shows so I don't see why they would care much. What did they say to you Show-whore?

Paisley McFly

jamie is not all that happy about whats going down at PJ's. after the casbah made the worng choice (turning there backs on the people that built the place) by not booking jam music. then he see's the a scene growing at PJ and tells me that there going to start booking jam shows again. So i show up for TWC show there did a reveiw


The Wassabi Collective, a major touring act from the West Coast played last night at the Casbah. Originally one of the best sounding rooms in Hamilton, it has recently lost its vibe after the halt on the bookings of jambands or groove music.

that said a few things ay about the bar . so he sends some emails we chat abit seamed to by all good after that.


"Vibe,loss of Doug?The vibe was lost along time ago.I did not want to see Doug go,it was a decision made by the owner do to economics.The jam vibe has been dwindling at theCasbah for sometime.We had to take a break from it,now i will be booking jam bands again.You are right about warmth and sound levels as well.Raymond has the Fat Cats to loud.In his defense their stage volume is loud.I really don't have to go on about sound with you ,you studied it.Jamie"

Jamie Smith



but when i show up at the casbah last night its all bad vibe's jamie making comments at me, stuff giving me bad vibe's it totally sucked. so i couldn't enjoy the show and left with the felling that i was very unwanted.

Oh ya and my mic stand, i forgot after the a show i taped there,they said when i asked for it back last night that one of there shitty old stands whent missing and that i must have took it [Mad][Mad][Mad][Mad] . as i watched them set my stand up for todd.

there's nothing like being the underdog

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well, Jamie is just one guy... I wouldn't lose any sleep over what he seems to think of you... sounds somewhat confused... 'no more jam bands' - hmmm, no more crowd - 'um, I think we need to book more jam bands'

actually, my impression of Jamie is that he gets alot on his mind and can seem rude then you catch him another day and he's all happy to see you...

rockers... [Roll Eyes] he just takes things a lil to serious

you're doing good at your Pepperjacks gig... every bar in town competes over booking at some level... part of the game... if you want to see a show at Casbah just close your eyes and dig the music...

"they" can be a strong word... I'd imagine most of the staff there don't know who you are and just hope you're having a good time... I'd talk to Derek or the sound guy early in the night(like 9) about the mic stand... if they are still wierd about it I might have a clunky one sitting around somewhere...

might watch your reviews on other clubs when you are a promoter... promoting is all about networking and mutual back scratching... best to review the bands and leave the club out of it when possible...

anywho, chin up... keep bookin great shows... see ya at Tala tomorrow eve...


just got the satellite back up and found the new X-Files Wednesdays so thats it for me until Thursday

stop reading this thread! go send a message to Wassabi!

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Whoooo, boy..... so many different things to say here that I don't even know where to begin, but I might as well start with...

The Casbah as Hamilton's "jamband bar:" I'm really not too sure where this reputation came from. I've never really considered the Casbah a "jamband bar" like the Comfort Zone. While it is true that most out-of-town jambands *do* play the Casbah (not to mention Doug Feaver's and The Fat Cats' weekly gigs), the Casbah has built its reputation on providing live music seven days a week, regardless of genre. No offence, guys, but it a bit selfish to think of it as "our" bar. Plenty of other people use it as well - it isn't busy only on jamband nights, and doesn't rely solely on us to survive.

The Casbah, period: frankly, as a live music room... it kind of sucks, don't you think? I admit that I enjoy the DJs downstairs, and the separate-room smoking policy, but I don't care for either the layout or the sound in the main room. While the original La Luna location had its faults, I still think it was much better (of course, I admit that I could be biased by the nine years I spent hanging out there). Still, this is an unchageable fact - the old La Luna is gone [Frown] . If Pepper Jack's wants to step up to the plate, so be it. As long as there is music being played *somewhere*... The high turnover rate of staff at the Casbah is indicative of something, as is the fact that all of the old employees from La Luna chose to remain in the restaurant rather than the bar. I won't cry too many tears if the scene moves elsewhere - I can still go to La Luna for dinner! (At least, I can when I get back to Canada.)

Chris Briscoe: he's the man! I wish he was still there. Chris has connections with more artists and management groups than I can count, and he's also one of the nicest guys anyone could care to meet. I speak from experience, having casually known him for almost ten years. For what it's worth, Chris is in charge of booking music at Home, down on Ferguson Avenue.

Chris also understood that a successful live bar needs to book various genres in order to be successful. The jamband scene in Hamilton is not big enough to support a bar based exclusively on jambands. Running a bar costs a lot of money, and different genres attract different crowds, which means more cash. That was why the old La Luna was so successful - they had everything from folk to country to rock to jazz, whatever you could want. No cash, no bar, which means no music at all - it's that simple.

Doug Feaver: I'll probably ruffle some feathers here, but here goes... I know that the guys from La Luna gave Doug a lifelong gig at La Luna, but unfortunately the Casbah is a different business and it is not run by Salim et al. I also know that the new guy gave Doug the boot in a rather unceremonious manner, which isn't right either. But from a business point of view I can understand why he did it, even if I can't defend how he did it. No offence to Doug (he's a really great guy!), but he's been playing there forever, and his sets are 99% the same material that he was doing ten years ago when I first started going to see him. Furthermore, he tends to tell long, rambling stories for long periods of time without actually playing a song - sometimes for as long as half-an-hour. I know Doug has an enormous musical knowledge - why not use it to play some different material? This is why I don't go see Doug very much, and maybe why his crowd is much smaller now than it used to be seven or eight years ago. Many times I have walked into La Luna (or the Casbah) and seen Doug playing to three or four people, which isn't exactly great business for the bar. If, as a business owner, you thought you could bring in an act that would draw a larger crowd, wouldn't you do so?

I'm not trying to be pessimistic or burst anyone's bubble here, but as much as we all enjoy the "scene" and wish that we could live in an ideal world, a bar, like any other business, exists to make a profit, and must always be mindful of that. Unfortunately, money talks loudest. If you are losing money on a particular night, you had best consider changing things up. As I said, this does not condone the manner in which some of these changes were made, but...

Which reminds me: show-whore, is the guy from the Casbah giving you a hard time because you are helping out with the competition (ie, PepperJack)? If so, that is a disgraceful way for him to behave [Mad] . As a guy who has made all of these business decisions, he should be the first to understand that you are only making business decisions of your own.

Whew! Longest post I've made here yet - I look forward to your thoughts...


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might watch your reviews on other clubs when you are a promoter

Paisley McFly

i was reviewing the show as a reviewer. its not like i stated that Pepper Jack is a better room just the facted the the vibe was gone and i didn't enjoy the sound. witch not only do i think that but most people in the scene have thought that.

I like Jamie alot always got along with him, but it seamed like he was taking person shots at me last night.


I'd imagine most of the staff there don't know who you are and just hope you're having a good time

Paisley McFly

they know who i am.


The jamband scene in Hamilton is not big enough to support a bar based exclusively on jambands.


no shit let alone having two bars booking the same music!

the mic stand is only a $50 value its the fact of the matter.

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The wish is that one day, we'll have a club exclusively for good music in Hamilton. I'm not talking 'jambands' or whatever the hell that term means, just good music.

All I want is a place I can go once, twice a week that has lots of kinds of good music, takes risks and has a good vibe. pepper jack's has that chance to be that way. Fatties would have helped.

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Yays to all comments... no offences intended...

I got goin when I heard Tyler was playing with the cats which blew me away and then there were seething posts full of anger condemning the bar... following that thread, its all people gettin right pumped, then for some reason turning into rage about about something that has nothing to do with a fat cats reunion...

bottom line - its just a bar... a room that sells beer and books music... no one there is evil, just trying to do their jobs the best they know how...

agreed that the old la luna was a whole different thing... those were the days... [Roll Eyes]

if you don't like it, don't go... seems really wierd to me to try and get other people not to go...

there are wars, poverty, sickness and real oppresion going on in the world... I don't think one bar is worth so much anger... hate is so heavy in the heart... spreads like cancer...

don't want to get blasted with the unrelated negatives every time something great comes along...

BIG hangover... (BIG)... happy day to all... see you at the next show wherever the hell it is... [smile]

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All I want is a place I can go once, twice a week that has lots of kinds of good music, takes risks and has a good vibe.

Too Late. La Luna's is gone.

Brian, doug used to pack the bar in the fall/winter/spring time. Summer got bland, but so did every bar for every band. No matter, just one less reason for me to go to that shitass bar.

I know they read this site (casbah owners) and have read my original post "fuck the casbah".

They know damn well how they fucked their real customers over, thats why tuesday night little T had 6 sex on the beaches, two shots, bought two drinks for others, i had four pops, and my tab came to 21 dollars!!!!!!!!!

I went to enquire about the cheap tab, and the bar manager said not to worry about it. They know they fucked us over, yet i think its too late to do anything about it.

If they didn't want Doug to play there, fine. Tell him. Isn't it common business practice to give two weeks notice? Now what happends when your working at the same business for over 10 years, and your layoff notice is all of four so hours, right before your shift. If that happened you'd be pissed at your boss and your company. Just like Doug, and his 'fans', are. He may tell or story or break a string every now and then, but just tell him, we didn't pay him to talk. he'll laugh, say you didn't pay a cover, shake his bucket, and then away ya go. Have as many songs as you'd like.

The crowd there is anything but 'peacful,' 'friendly' vibes anyways. (on average). Next time some drunken fool almost knocks little T over while 'dancin', he's gonna be dancin on his back in the streets.

Even Chris B tried to reap the rewards of the successful club (when it was) by sticking his (what I believe) garbage band in setbreaks or before the show. There were better bands trying to get a break, who would have been better sounding than brisco shouting "rock the casbah" looped over boring 'fuzz'.

Whatever though. Derrick doesn't even show his cowardly head, and when he does, its in and out. He has fucked over too many bands to hope he can make it successful with the 'our' crowd. Maybe the dance/techno/house/rap/reggae/everything BUT jambands, fans will be more leniant.

After all, i do believe Gob and Swollen Members have been his best nights so far.

Keep up the hard work at PjC. There is no way they can keep you out of the bar shane. I bet if you talked to Derrick, you'd find he doesn't even know the way they are treating you. Although Derrick is a coward, he is a good guy, and would probably clear up the attitude your getting, plus get your mic stand back. They never give Ken attitude (or do they)?

Oh well, i wish i owned a small bar downtown, capactity of no more than 75-100, make it all comfy and cozy like the ole luna's, and act like an up and coming musicians bar. Keep it out of hess, best would probably be augusta or area.

Hell i'd get sanislo's band to be the first bar band. That way i know i'd get a good crowd. THen word would get out. I'd like a bar that could survive on just regulars, so if its a slow night, and there were only 10-15 people in the bar, it wouldn't look dead.

OH well, i can dream can't I.

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