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ChRISTmaS FuN!!!!


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as the festive season approaches, wouldn't it be nice to share some friendliness and warm thoughts amongst other sanctuarians?? why not participate in a gift exchange/secret santa here on jambands.ca?? if you would like to be part of this gift exchange, simply e-mail your name, address and sanctuary name to sanctuary@jambands.ca by December 1st. at this point all names will be put in a hat and you will be sent an email with the person whom you are the secret santa for.


*gifts to be in the $15.00 range, and can be homemade, purchased or anything else in good taste ex, cd's, art, jewellery etc etc etc

*try and make sure you send your gift out in time for christmas

*make sure you send a gift out!!!! remember we have a list of who you are the secret santa for!

*have fun with it in cavern, try and secretly find out what the person you are buying for likes and might appreciate!

[Wink] Merry Ho HO!!!!

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Going with the idea of spreading some Holiday cheer, maybe we could arrange a charity thing? set up a Paypal account or something and people could toss in 5 bucks or something?? Maybe an adopt a family type of thing...i don't know. I do know that between this board, people who hangout on jamhub and the rest of us who belong to the ctree.org mailing list, we could raise something for someone. Maybe even some of the bands that we know and love could each dedicate a night or two to giving proceeds of the show to said charity/family??

I love the Secret Santa thing too!!

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I have a paypal account, but I haven't really used it before.

I could try and set that up. I don't know what happens AFTER money is collected. That's the big question. How do you make a donation to a charity after that? I suppose a charity that uses paypal would be the easiest.

How do you pick a local charity when people are everywhere? [Confused]

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oh ya, local, duh... [Roll Eyes]

i just meant i thought it would be nice to pick a smaller charity that doesnt get a lot of attention

humane society and food bank are great causes imho

toys for tots?

also i have an idea though that if we a food drive - we should try to make sure we dont just pull out the 10 year old canned peaches from the back of the cupboard - We should buy something new thats good and nutritious, (not kraft dinner yuck!) ha ha - but then we should also throw in a cookie mix or something too cuz it's the holidays afterall [big Grin]

anyway, that's what i always try to do at the holidays - that and grab a kids name from a gift tree...

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The hardest part is that there are so many charities and societies that need help right now.

I just got a letter in the mail from the London Humane Society stating they might have to close down and they are asking for help.

This was stated in their letter:

" London Humane Society receives no monies from any level of government. They do not receive any funding from any other animal welfare organization. Not a penny!

Yet the Toronto Humane Society, which does nothing to help abused, abandoned, neglected and unwanted local animals, is bleeding resources away from London / Middlesex - If they shut down there will be dozens of criminal-level animal cruelty offences ignored and unprosecuted, no refuge for the stream of animals from puppy and kitty mills, no one to call when you witness or suspect animal cruelty etc. etc. "

My other thought is: The Sick Kids hospital is always looking for donations like cd players for the children's rooms, stuffed animals, make-up for the little girls that are dying of Cancer so they can feel special for a day.

It's so amazing how Children who are sick are sometimes stronger then most adults - but they need are help!

I'm so happy the wheels are turning! I'll contribute anything I can to whichever charity we decide to help this Christmas.

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i think that this is a great idea too....every time i give to a charity it always seems to be to the humane society, (i have a huge weakness for animals) or else to a food bank. i just read burtman's post below, regarding charities, and what if some of us donated a bit of time at some of the shows this festive season to collect for local food banks. i know i would be willing to find a few empty boxes and collect donations at the door or something, and then deliver them to a food bank..anyone else in???? i guess i gotta figure out what shows i am going to........

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I just tried to make a donation too... I got past the password thing, but it seems like it's forcing me to create a PayPal account...and I can't complete it until I get my next CC bill in the mail which will have a security number on it. PayPal charges $1.95 to activate an account, but once you complete your registration (once you get your cc bill with the security number on it), they will credit your account the $1.95. Then you can make the donation.

There must be some other way. I don't mind doing the PayPal account thing, but it just means that i can't donate until at least the middle of next month when I get my next cc bill.

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Yeah, well it looks like you do have to have a paypal account. You can also check your bills online to get the transaction number in order to verify your account.

I'll leave it active, and maybe even put the link in a more visible and permanent spot if people are willing to go through the paypal system.

If you do get paypal, we can do ALOT more stuff with it in the future.

May as well...

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too bad about the pay pall acct. I think the best way to do local charities i.e. would be through local gigs - add an extra couple of bucks to ticket prices and give that to the local charities do you think? I would be give some money for the london shelter though - that sounds like a good cause.

in my opinion which i'm always offering whether people want to hear it or not - i think sick kids hospitals get a LOT of funding - it is a very popular charity - and i would prefer to stick to those that are less visible.

oh, but you are saying toys and makeup -sorry, i see what you mean - a toy drive would be nice ofcourse...

I dont believe that women's cancers get near as much funding as some male oriented deseases considering the incredible mass numbers it takes out but that's a totally different subject [Wink]

The lymphatic society sounds like a very good cause too ofcourse.

Maybe we should each be looking into ways to fundraise now, we have lots of charities that need it!

What about an art auction or something on the site? anybody willing to donate art or clothing or services or something for auction?

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Hey isn't there a way where we can have an bank account created for a charity and just give the account number out so we can make deposits?I mean a deposit only except for the charity to which it goes.I've seen the family in Niagara Falls did it to raise money for their sons treatments in Germany.We could decide on a charity,contact whoever we need to set it up?

I,m with shainhouse,being a survivor of cancer I also think that one would be a good idea.

Either way:A charity or a local charity I'm in.


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Camp Trillium is a great charity to contribute to. It is for children with cancer. Here is a link to their site.


It is an Ontario program. Not to exclude those who are not from Ontario but considering that most people on this site are, it could be considered a local charity. I know the tragically hip fans have organized fundraisers for this organization. They send cash to someone who runs a website and he posts contributers and what the donations have totalled to date. Whenever enough cash is collected, he writes a check and sends it to the organization on everyone's behalf.

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