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I've very sorry to hear the news of the passing. I open my heart and prayers to the friends and family of Chris.

I, like many, met him only once, but he left quite an impression on me. I was waking up one 'morning' at frontier town, he was just 'going to bed'. On the verge of passing out, he said, dude, your awake, keep drinkin em for me.....and i did....and I will continue to...

Lots of Love


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I just have too much to say, and all I seem to be able to write is that I hurt. I try to think about all of the great times with Hood, and that makes me feel better, but then the hurt comes back, sometimes worse.

At first I had to take it minute by minute. Then it became hour by hour. Now it's day by day, and someday it will be week by week, and then month by month. One thing will always remain the same: I miss him.

This is the first time I have been by myself since it all happened, and I'm trying really hard to be comfortable with my own thoughts. This maybe is why I've come here. You all make me feel a little less alone. And Sammy is here with me, but he won't stay awake for more than 3 minutes! Maybe I'll throw the tv on for him.

One more hug

One more laugh

One more story

Is all that I ask

But if I got my wish

I would ask for

One more hug

One more laugh

One more story

There's never enough

I have your memories

And you have my love


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I hear you Sally and my thoughts are with you and everyone every single minute. I have been thinking about which fond memory I can put up here to make people smile at Hood's memory. But it's too difficult right now, not only because I am so sad, but because there are just too many times that boy made me and other people laugh and feel good. Too many good times for me to summarize so easily.

As I am sure many of you can relate to, it was extremely difficult for me to get back into the regular routine of work. After days spent mourning in the comfort of friend's arms it is unbearable to be trapped behind a cold desk. I am super sensitive and irritable because I haven't been sleeping very well. I cried at a Bell Canada Representative's "bad news" about our internet service. I am finding it hard to care about people's seemingly trivial problems which is not a good thing being that I am a Customer Service Representative who deals exclusively with people's problems. I deal with people so upset over their toaster not working which seems so ridiculous to me. I want to slap them. I used to care about helping them but now I couldn't care less about their tiny little problems. I don't feel like myself. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster.

I miss you all so much already and can't wait to be with you again. I will never, ever forget the love and support that we have experienced over the past several days. This would be infinitely harder to cope with, without you all. We are blessed to have one another and also blessed to have a place like this to share our thoughts when we can't be together.

I miss Hood so much.

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