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Attn: Web Developers


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I thought I'd share my job search frustrations... I've seen a lot of crazy stuff, but this has got to be the craziest job posting I've ever seen...


They are looking for a project manager, developer, graphics person, business anaylst, and network admin person, all in one...

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Lots of companies post those. People come out of these wacky IT schools with resumes stating they can do all of those things companies look for , even though they only stufy it for a few weeks and don't do any practical work in the field. Just because you know what an application or piece of hardware is, doesn't mean you really know how to use it.

Being a guy who wears many hats in an organization is great, until they call on you to do 4 things at the same time, and be an expert in each of them. Noone is an expert in all the fields companies ask for. They expect you to have an area you specialize in, and then broad based high level knowledge of the other areas of the industry.

Most of the big companies don't have a clue how to put together a job requirements and they simply throw in the buzzwords in the industry because they think people who know the words will be good workers. More often than not, they hire someone with such widely spread skills that they can't get really deep into any one thing and are much use to the organization.


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Interesting points... It definetly would require a new age sort of union to be effective. I don't think the auto-workers union would be too effective. [Wink]

I've been around about 5 years now. I guess I've seen the other extreme of the scale.

I think a high tech union would insure that people aren't working 90 hours a week, or they are at least getting paid for the overtime. I had an interview for a TVOntario job, and I was shocked to discover that it was a unionized position (that's the government for ya). They had a specific job class for the position with defined salary etc... It would have been interesting to see how it worked out. The ended up hiring someone who was already freelancing for them. I guess that's a major downside to a union, interviewing for jobs that are essentially already taken... Gotta go through that process...

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That job posting was crazy, but not completely unlike at lot of the stuff going around. These companies generally want someone who is a Network Admin, Hardcore Programmer, and Graphic Artist. Not to mention this one looking for project management and profitibility. It's just insane. And your right Steve they probably wanna pay peanuts.

I agree that you don't have to know everything. I'm a very quick learner, because I understand programming, and understand software, it's really not a big deal for me to learn a new language, or new piece of software. But, companies don't really seem to care too much about that, they want years of experience in all the skills!

This is a pretty dirty industry right now. There doesn't seem to be too many decent employers around, not to mention a complete lack of business ethics. We need a union. Unions don't usually work too well these days because they have outlived their purpose, but web and new media people are sorely in need of some workplace regulation. End the sweat shops, fair pay for skills etc...

Oh well, back to the job board...

(Bouche, no with the exception of playing around with the formmail cgi app, I know nothing of cgi. Lately I'm all about the php)

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I totally disagree with the need for union in the IT sector lik eyou suggest. I have been in the industry for 6 ears which almost makes me an elder compared to most, but it is not all companies that treat you badly. There is more so called "talent" around now than there are good jobs, but those who are truely skilled and not just listing a bunch of stuff on a resume are valued by their employers.

A union - with its antiqueated ideas and methods - would be harmful to the industry. The IT industry moves too fast for the slow unions. The IT industry also moves too slowly for the telco industry - which it depends on quite a bit.


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