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Phish - The Connection


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So I had a listen to this song this morning... Can't say I'm blown away by it. There's nothing wrong with it, but I keep waiting for the boys to drop another YEM or Divided Sky on our asses, not a 2:46 chill tune... I'm sure it will grow on me as I hear it more, and I never truly judge a Phish tune until I've heard it live, but I'm hoping there's at least one or two experimental or progressive tunes on the new album. Otherwise people will likely react the same way to the new album as they did to Round Room...

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A pretty standard sounding "roots-rock" tune. Phish has a lot of bluegrassy type tunes, but this is the rootsiest song I think I've heard from them.

It's not bad, but it's more what I would expect from say a Wilco. But if Phish is happy playing it, it's all good, and I'm sure it'll go real nicely sandwiched between a couple of epic jams.

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I preordered the album, so I didn't mind downloading The Connection as an MP3. When I first heard it, I didn't like it at all, but then I found myself humming it to myself later in the day, and went back to give it a few more listens. It certainly grows on you after a few listens, and now I really like it.

I find a lot of their new songs are like that, notably Crowd Control and The Connection for me, although I am sure there are others.

I expect that the Connection will get a nice live treatment and sound great in concert. Lets hope they play it at Saratoga or Great Woods.

If you're looking for progressive and jammy type tunes from the album, I would guess that Scents and Subtle Sounds will be long and jammed out.

Usually the tunes on the albums aren't anything like the live versions. Some good examples are Taste, Wolfmans, Walls of the Cave, Sand, Twist, etc.


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I like "The Connection: because it sounds unlike anything they've really done before - a good thing, indeed.

I'm not waiting on another "You Enjoy Myself" or "Divided Sky" because they've been there, done that, and besides, both of those tunes are tired old warhorses that should be put away for a little while, imo. I haven't been keeping on top of Phish for the last 10 years just to hear yet another version of YEM or The Sloth or whatever.

My only disappointment with Phish post-hiatus is that they haven't rammed their great new material down everyone's throat.

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man i hate Phishheads!

So the song may be poppy or rootsy... why the fuck does every little piece of music have to be analyzed to the tits... and this isnt addressed to this board in general but to every annoying Phish msg board out there...

I'm sure the album will sound great to some, amazing to others... and crap to some as well... thats why we love music, not everyone has to like the exact same thing...

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I think it's Trey's attempt at a Basement Tapes sounding song. You'll recall he identified a major interest in the Basement Tapes as of late and if they had done halloween he would've pushed hard for that album. That would've been 'interesting'.

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