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Heady Epic

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Its been a long week of crying and moaning for wooks, custies and newbs alike, cause ya'll've been beTreyed. Well Heady Epic is here to tell you that I aint no whiney bitch and I ain't worried cuz the Phish band aint really breaking up and Ive got the proof. 140 proof that is sucka. I wont miss watching wookettes doing the invisible cube dance... but the Red Rooster is tired? Well boo fucking hoo if you didn't spend the hiatus boning Yoko Hartswick you mighta got some rest and maybe just maybe fit in a bit of practice time too, you YEM flubbing son of a bitch. I still doubt you have the jambnads to follow through. I've met Elmo, shook his hand before a show in Louisville, and he shook it like a girl. I was so ashamed, that I gave him a wedgie. I guess it's the "dont hurt these precious hands" syndrome. Once I get to Coventry, all hell is going to break loose. I got me the schematics from some foolish carpenter and found a weakness just like the fucking Death Star. You knock this crossbeam out and, bicky bam, the whole stage comes crashing down. But forget about that shiznit, you can't fool Heady Epic cuz Im the master of the clit, commander of them all. When it comes down to business, this is what I do - I pinch it like this then I rub my nose with it. That's how I know the reason Gaynastasio is laying this mofo down is so he join his butt buddy CK5 in rehab and kick the Oxy C. And Heady Epic aint talking about that shit for your nasty crater face or fat pimply ass. We lined yer pockets so you could have an expen$ive habit now kick it Mr Fantasy and play us a tune. Save the phish kidz... the beatniks were before my time and I never got anything outta the hippies but bad dope, cliches and the clap. Who do the phab four think they are with that poor man's Let it Be album cover? I aint buying it cuz Phish has about as much of a chance of letting it be as your sister has escaping Heady Epic without a load on her face. I aint the muthafucking walrus but I make all the ladies go coo-coo-ca-choo. You heard it here first, the boys will be back in town in less than 5 years with new ragers, new shit ass attempts at a top 10 single, new pharmies, all the while with Warren Haynes in the band and Heady Epic will be there styling and profiling all the way. Either that or your Headiness will rent TAB for his wedding band so Walker Texas Ranger can fulfill his dream. Everyones invited... but Heady Epic still gets to nail the entry-level fluffer bridesmaids. After procuring the nail gun, vasoline, depends and motor oil, I'll ask the women in the party if they really wanted to party.

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Seems the only whining here is in your thread,your the only person I've read on here slamming Trey...hurt is ya? Slamming your god,isn't that blasphmy in the "phantastic" world of sketchy "phishland"? Or is it the ungratefulness of that scene shining through? Pop some more "pharmies" wook,its over....accept it. ;)

American Dairy is pleading with Phish to NOT stop touring,the suspected drop in sales of kraft singles has the higher ups concerned,especially with school still a couple weeks away from starting after Coventry.

Its a serious issue in Cheese circles...

On the positive side,Proctor & Gamble expect an rather significant rise is sales,mostly soap/shampoo & deodorant sales.Given,the employment scene will ultimatley increase,barbers and hairdressers alike,rejoice over this awaited fortune.


Oxy's is kids stuff btw unless you bang it....smoke herb.

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American Dairy is pleading with Phish to NOT stop touring,the suspected drop in sales of kraft singles has the higher ups concerned,especially with school still a couple weeks away from starting after Coventry.

Its a serious issue in Cheese circles...

On the positive side,Proctor & Gamble expect an rather significant rise is sales,mostly soap/shampoo & deodorant sales.Given,the employment scene will ultimatley increase,barbers and hairdressers alike,rejoice over this awaited fortune.

Now that was funny shit...who the fu$^@$^ is HeadyEpic anyway, what bullshit !!

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