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people who wont let you use their fucking phone to make a goddam local call when you're really sick, puking in the street and you need to get to work, but you just got off the bus, because you had to puke, and the next bus wont get you there on time, and you're the only person with keys to the store!!!!

fuck, its been a shitty morning....

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Ohh, Almost forgot.....

- People who dont like girls who dislike star trek or star wars

- people who dont like sports

- People with ingrown facial hair or blind pimples

- People who know the difference between kb and KB

- People who dislike Fran Dresher

- people who hate the new star trek

- people nammed jimmy_Milbury

J/K champ.... ;)

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Posted by the ONE they call secondtube: people who leave garbage at the launch ramps onto lakes.

or throw/discard line out into the water...so that either my trolling motor, or my outboard, eats it up...

I hear that...

I also hate fishing with people who do nothing but complain... or when u catch a fish and the person comes right over to were u are and casts thier line in.... Grrrrr... Or what about people who keep far over thier limit? (sigh)

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- people who litter

I think littering has got to be one of the most self centered acts commited these days. I mean what is so special about you, that you don't have to bother making a tiny bit of extra effort to put your garbage in a garbage can? Someone else's job right? Well we wouldn't have to and shouldn't have to hire people to clean up after you, if you bothered to throw your own shit away. Loosers...

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when you finall fall back asleep, and you're having this dream where you're eating a big bowl of ice cream, and some early bird jackass calls you at nine thirty in the AM and wakes you up again! GRRR! it was good ice cream, too.. a couple different kinds in there...

luckily it's mud and blair's stag and doe today so i can't feel too pissy!! (plus any day that i actually get to sleep in past eight can't be all bad)

but no calls before ten!! i mean, really.. ::

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