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so what did u think of buffalo?

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I thought the scheduling was done really well. Galactic on the main stage then as soon as they were done, nero on the other stage, then moe. on the main stage, then xavier rudd on the other stage, then moe again. So there was constant music, barely even 5 minutes between bands. And you didn't have to miss one band to see another.

The venue was also really nice, and right on the water. Too bad there were no ins & outs allowed. And the prices of food and stuff inside were kind of steep, but I guess that's expected.

I hadn't seen galactic in a long time, and i thought they played a pretty good set. As did nero - they busted out 'beat it.' The marriage proposal during their set was pretty cool too. And i was really impressed by xavier rudd too. It's really cool when someone can play three instruments at once, and actually sound good.

Still recovering - it was a pretty intense day, and I'm feeling kind of groggy now...

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well it was nice to meet some of the kids from the board here (shain, Fairy) and be able to see all those bands for 26 bucks U.S. at the best venue that Buffalo has to offer. Xavier Rudd was EXCELLENT! all the good things I'd come to hear about him were absolutely true. Galactic was better than i've seen them previous times and especially with the abscence of Houseman!!! thank god! nero tore it down, with FULL props to the new tune "the year of..." great times. AS far as moe. goes i'd give the show a 7.5...some good highlights but nothing earthshattering. Good mexico, great Akimbo and the Bullet>moe./galactic jam> Kyles was probably the best part of the show. It was so nice to party with the gentle monkey and his ladyfriend, the punk and to finally meet Pablo's inspiration...gotta love this scene for bringing so many good people together. Let's do it again sometime...



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I had a great time. Yup the beer/food selection left a lot to be desired, but after a few Molson Canadians (and some handy sleeman cream) it didn't seem to matter. I was happy to hear a Tailspin...I really like it. The rest of the sets were pretty solid. Spent most of the show f.o.b. where the sound was great. Got right up to second row centre with my friend for the end of plane crash as a nice little adventure. And what would an Akimbo be without Chuck forgetting the words! Love it! All in all, great times, great people, great music. What more could you want? Only 2 1/2 months until moe.down....

p.s. did anyone else catch the guy all in black, with the glasses,hat,tie, and pencil thin mooooostachio? He was a great reoccuring character throughout my day.

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Yes yes, the day was fun. a fun end to a super fun weekend. Everyone's really captured most of what I wanted to say already. Really cool to see the americanos diggin the nero. Nice to meet some people from Ontario that I hadn't before. Oh yeah and the balloons were great. Even better was when I saw the guy that had been selling them after the show. I said "hey, what's the “deal” with 3/$10 5/$20?"

So I was disappointed with Galactic. The chick singer didn't get me off the way I had hoped and wasn't a comparison to the houseman for me. Stanton Moore did impress me though. He's cool. Xavier Rudd was definitely a show. Tribal music is always so fascinating. And moe. I loved the moe. I think i was chatting a bit too much to notice the first set, but I really liked the second. A lot of people said they didn't, but I found this nice little patch of grass/flat concrete and danced. I spun around and around and around, the music was just so pleasurable.

Even though the water stank like fish all night, I'd still go back. And I did see the guy you speak of moe.ron he WAS interesting, my favourite character was the skinny kid in the tiedie (sp?) shirt skipping around the show for about 5 or 6 hours non-stop.

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