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PICTURES! - Bonnaroo Travel Journal!


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Right on.....I just got a call from Willy and he is in the Line-up already, although he is not sure if they are actually letting people in....he fears they may be in line to get turned away.....

but he says theres people looking to buy tickets everywhere, so i might sell my extra afterall...

well, ...Willy's already there and I havnt even left yet, I was suppose to leave last night when Lisa got here at 7-8pm, but we both decided to take a little nappy first so i set my alarm for 3am, but now that I've heard Willy's already there I can't sleep, so here I am hanging out on jambands when i should be finishing my packing.......so we should be setting sail in about an hour or so.

So save us a spot Willy, we'll be there in about 14 hours!!!

who-hoo ::

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um, exsqueeze me yes, could you halt your bonarooiffic vacation to please pick up the slack on our heady updates of this mission? your community of internet friends here who aren't so lucky as to be there in person would like minute-to-minute details please!


hope you guys are having a ton of fun!!! can't wait to hear more. i'm *sooooooooooooooo* jealous of the 4 hours of ween you'll get to partake in saturday night, be sure to blow the boys some kisses for me!

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Sorry everyone. Technical difficulties prevented any updates while I was on-site. I think that next year I'll offer my services as a network administrator as well as a photographer. ;)

We had a FANTASTIC time; everyone is healthy and safe, and we're now on our way home. I'll be posting some updates and pictures now. Sorry for the letdown. :(

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Well, I just made it home from the long drive from Tennessee, and I am exhausted.....it took us alot longer to get home than it did too get there, because we kept hitting traffic and construction, and me and Lisa were both so tired, trading seats about every 2 hours, we even pulled over to sleep for a bit somewhere in Ohio, not an easy thing to do in a fully packed Sunfire.....

we left the campsite at 10am yesterday, and i just got home(7am), of course it took a couple hours just to get out of the venue...

Mann what an amazing time we had, the first half was so hot and sunny almost unbearable, and then on Saturday about 2 hours before the dead hit the stage the rain just started pouring down, it was insane, it wouldn't stop....it turned the whole area into a sea of mud, getting from one area to the next became very difficult, but you couldn't stop this crowd.....some of the outside shows we either cut short or delayed on both saturday and sunday, but the tent shows kept rockin.....

I'm goin to put together a full review of everything i saw with my pictures...but first i need some sleep, so stay tuned, theres more to come!!

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WOOOOHOOOOOO...What a 'heady' weekend! The west coast contribution to Camp Canada made it back in one piece rolling in at about 4am PST. Filled a whole card with pictures of bands and camp Canada. It will take a couple days to put them all together, actually it will take a little while to remember my name, and how to get back from the corner store but we’ve got some fantastic shots of the bands the mud (OMG THE MUD) and lots a the camp Canada crew. Again, for anyone that hasn’t made the trip for the third year now, your insane not to be planning to do it up next year!!!

Cheers from the Left Coast!


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If anyone is in the same boat as me, putting together solid sentence structure has become a real challenge. Thinking a coffee would help was a mistake. Now I'm just sketchy, as well as not being able to focus a thought. What should I be doing now.....'grab for the schedule'...'hey wait, where's Tuesday on this schedule'...'oh my god, what the hell am I going to do'...:) I'm sure we'll get a more then detailed report when Jazzy lands in the Hammer.



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