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Ottawa shoot out?


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Last night around 1am I heard a gunshot in my neighborhood. Three minutes later two more shots from the same gun. About an hour later I think I heard several bursts of fire from a different gun(s), and then another shotgun blast. Anybody heard anything on the news?

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I'm around the corner from you. What you heard was CRAZY thunderclaps last night. It must've been right over us because there was only a split-second between the Lightning and thunder. Scared me but was awesome at the same time because it literally was right overhead.

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This was about two or three hours before the storm, and dollars to doughnuts they were gunshots.

I used to be a bit of a gun enthusiast and have fired lots of guns, the shotgun blasts were from the same (or very similar) guns.

Perhaps I was hallucinating - I was in the middle of watching Kill Bill (which I think sucked) and had violence on the mind.

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Guest Low Roller
I was in the middle of watching Kill Bill (which I think sucked)


Eat it Booche. I'm not the only person to think the movie sucked.

I checked various Ottawa news sources, and there is nothing about a shoot-out happening. I heard the thunder last night, and it was absolutely amazing. I have NEVER heard thunder like that before. I couldn't believe how loud it was. I slept with my window open, and the thunder sounded like bombs going off.

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Oh I am so with you Roller I fucking hated both Kill Bill and even more so Vol. II. It came across like exactly what it is (and I would know)- an overeducated geek throwing as many filmic motifs into a movie that couldn't possible gather around itself what it protested to all building up to a completely forgettable conclusion. Not to mention David Carradine is possibly the most annoying human being on the planet (except in that Woody Guthrie movie This Train Is Bound For Glory- he's good in that). What a shocker ending though you mean to tell me she gave him the five point palm exploding heart thingy- whowouldathunk it. Fucking dick Tarantino. AND WHAT IN ALL SAM HELL GETUP WAS THAT FUCKING 'THE LIONESS RETURNS TO HER CUB' BUSINESS!!! Just that ending is enough to make me hate Tarantino for all time- he should film the String Cheese equivalent of the Last Waltz and have Perry Farrell prance around and then the whole stage should blow up in some totally dramatic way.

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Guest Low Roller

The cinematography was excellent, the music was Tarantino-esque, but the characters felt very flat ESPECIALLY The Bride. The only bright spot acting-wise was Lucy Liu's character, and when I'm forced to give Lucy Liu props for being the best actor in the movie, you know there's a problem.

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I'm guessing you haven't watched to many kung foo movies.

KB 1 and 2 are far better acted than most kung foo movies.

Mr. Blond scenes were well acted. As was the finally with Bill.

The bride was a typical action protagonist who are notorious for being shallow.

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