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top 5 song about canada


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Frontier - Fat Cats

Sudbury Saturday Night - Stompin Tom

Blame Canada

Times have changed,

Our kids are getting worse

They won't obey their parents,

They just want to fart and curse. Should we blame the government, or blame society, or should we blame the images on tv No!

Blame Canada! Blame Canada

With all their beady little eyes,

their flapping heads so full of lies

Blame Canada!

Blame Canada!

We need to form a full assault, it's Canada's fault! Don't blame me, for my son Stan, He saw the darn cartoon, and now he's off to

join the klan!> And my boy eric once, had my picture on his shelf, but now when I see him, he tells me to fu©k myself>

Well, Blame Canada!

It seems that everything's gone wrong since

Canada came along

Blame Canada!

Blame Canada! They're not even a real country anyway. My son could of been a doctor or a lawer, it's a true, Instead he burned up like a piggie on a barbecue> Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire, or the doctor who allowed him to expire. Heck no!

Blame Canada!

Blame Canada!

With all their hockey hubaloo and that bitch Anne Murray too. Blame Canada!

Shame on Canada!

The smut we must stop

The trash we must smash

Laughter and fun

must all be undone

We must blame them and cause a fuss

Before someone thinks of blaming us!

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First song that comes to mind is a song i heard on Canada Day in 2001 on my journey out west in a car...they were doin' A - Z on Canada on the CBC while we were in Northern Ontario crossing into Manitoba....for "S" they played some Stompin Tom and the song they played was a song that I believe is called "real Canadian Girl" ...good tune....hehe

i am too tired to list a top 5 but that is what came to mind


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"Acadian Driftwood" by The Band

"Ambulance Blues" by Neil Young

"A Case Of You" by Joni Mitchell

"The Trees" by Rush

and Northern Wish I think the song you meant to say was "Prairie Town" by Randy Bachman

The lyrics for "Prairie Town" go

Born and raised in a prairie town

Just a kid full of dreams

We didn't have much but an old radio

Music came from places we'd never been

Growing up in a prairie town

Learning to drive in the snow

Not much to do so you start a band

And soon you've gone as far as you can go

Winter nights are long

Summer days are gone

Portage and Main 50 below

Springtime melts the snow

Rivers overflow

Portage and Main 50 below

Portage and Main 50 below

All the bands in a prairie town

Try to out-do the next in line

Learning records out of Liverpool

Dreams of England on their minds

On the other side of Winnipeg

Neil and the Squires played the Zone

But then he went to play

For a while in Thunder Bay

He never looked back and

He's never coming home

Just a band from a prairie town

Sometimes we'd drive from coast to coast

One call from L.A. and we'd pack and fly away

But in our hearts we're always pairie folks

Looking back at a prairie town

People ask me whay I went away

To fly with the best sometimes you have to leave the nest

But the prairies made me what I am today

Randy Bachman and Neil Young were friends back in the early sixties growing up in Winnipeg. After Randy wrote this song for his debut solo album released in 1992 titled "Any Road" (Koch). Bachman sent the lyrics to Neil in his California home to see what he though of it. Neil loved it so much that he invited a very surprised Bachman and his band to record it with him at his Broken Arrow Ranch in Redwood City, California. They also recorded videos of both the electric and acoustic versions of the song at Neil's ranch.

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Some great picks! Here's five more I don't think have been mentioned yet:

"The Longest Road" - Stephen Fearing

"The Coldest Night Of The Year" - Bruce Cockburn

"Gretzky Rocks!" - The Pursuit of Happiness

"North Vancouver Island Song" - Ian Tamblyn

"Four Strong Winds" - Ian Tyson

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Canada's Really Big - Arrogant Worms

When I look around me,

I can’t believe what I see

It seems as if this country

Has lost it’s will to live

The economy is lousy,

We barely have an army

But we can still stand proudly

’cause canada’s really big

We’re the second largest country

On this planet earth

And if russia

Keeps on shrinking

Then soon we’ll be first

(as long as we keep quebec)

The usa has tanks

And switzerland has banks

They can keep them, thanks

They just don’t amount

’cause when you get down to it

You find out what the truth is

It isn’t what you do with it

It’s the size that counts!

Most people

Will tell you

That france is pretty large

But you can put

Fourteen frances

Into this land of ours

(it’d take a lotta work, it’s take a whole lotta work)

We’re larger than malaysia

Almost as big as asia

We’re bigger than australia

And it’s a continent

So big we seldom bother

To go see one another

But we often go to other

Countries for vacation

Our mountains

Are very pointy

Our prairies are not

The rest is

Kinda bumpy

But, man, do we have a lot

(we gotta lot of land, we gotta whole lot of land)

So stand up and be pound

And sing out very loud

We stand out from the crowd ’cause

Canada’s really big!

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