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Keith Godchaux, passes away July 23, 1980


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Hey zero,

Way to be a disrespectful prick. How would you like it if when you died and people made a post about remembering you years later and someone replied to your post, yippiefuckingdoo.

I know Keith isn't Jerry Garcia, but he was first and foremost a human being and his soul isn't worth any less than Jerry's.

I just figured that people would be interested in knowing of his passing and maybe want to put on a live recording during Keith's era in the Grateful Dead or maybe "Wake of the Flood" or something.

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You're right that I would not want to be disrespected in the grave. Death don't have no mercy though. I have a place in my heart for Keith but the whole phenomena of the Grateful Dead implies that due reverence needs to be shown to each and every individual who ever had anything to do with them. It's ramrod day, or merl day, or bruce joined the band day, or brent's third last overdose show, it's Vassar Clements half-week celebration with Martin Fierro guesting on sax. You get my drift.

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Keith was an integral component of what arguably is the peak period of the Dead, 1970 - 1974, when their collective powers were at their most awesome. To my mind, everything before led up to that period and everything after is a response to it. They were as deep and psychedelic - in the best sense - as you could possibly imagine, and yet they played with grace and a real sophistication that is and was unparalled in "rock" music. And Keith was a big part of that.

He was the kind of supportive player that could get lost in the mix seemingly but his playing was always vital and he never stepped on toes. He kept up with Garcia's never-ending musical curiosity, pushing him along with a well-placed chord here, a shift of key there, and laying out when it was appropriate. I don't think he gets the respect he deserved because his playing did slack off near the end of his tenure with the GD and because Brent was as brash and forthcoming as Keith was shy and reserved.

Try some 1976-1977 Garcia Band recordings to hear another, wonderful side of Keith's playing, where he would step out and take the odd jaw-dropping piano solo.

Thanks, Keith. I bet you were a real good guy, too!


ps - I bet the DVD release of "The Grateful Dead Movie" will help shed some light on Keith's contributions to the Dead for a lot of people, moreso than the Winterland DVD. Hope so!

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Hey zero, Reverence should be applied to someones passing, no matter who they are. I made the post because I figured, that people on this board would care to be reminded that today was the day that Keith tragically left this planet. Most of the people that frequent this board probably weren't even alive when Keith died.

And so what if people make posts about things that have happened in the history of the Grateful Dead. I thought this was www.jamband.ca ? Isn't this what the board should be about? If you don't want to read a post, than don't, that doesn't mean other people don't want to.

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Look if this were the anniversary of Rick Danko's death and someone slagged him even off hand I'd lose it. Which is to say that Keith means more to you than to me. I was just making an offhand remark about how many 'Dead' anniversary's there are to keep track of. One should be vigilant about false piety is all. Although in this case perhaps the piety is well deserved.

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... negativity don't pull you through...

TimmyB: For someone that always seems to be celebrating stuff you sure get pulled down a lot... maybe in the future try and ignore the sh!t that gets to you...

...nothing left to do but smile smile smile!

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TimmyB: For someone that always seems to be celebrating stuff you sure get pulled down a lot... maybe in the future try and ignore the sh!t that gets to you...

...nothing left to do but smile smile smile!

That's not entirely accurate. TimmyB doesn't get pulled down. He's guilty of being passionate about music and musicians. I am too, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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