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Long Weekend?


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Guest Low Roller

Up for anything tonight, and then girlfriend's cottage tomorrow. Viva the long week-end!!!!!!! (sorry Shainhouse and Guigsy)

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WOW...atta boy Freak, have a great time. Same goes for the rest of you. Lately I've been feeling like I've been wasting my summer, so when the opporunity to hit up Blue Skies came up I had to say yes, 3 days of camping alone is well worth it, throw in a clean and safe festival environment to trip balls in will be icing on the cake.

Ollie & Cosmic enjoy SPAC....Not to worry I heard last night that the borders are back to normal, AVG crossing time yesterday was 10 minutes.

HAPPY B-DAY Mike!!! Have a good time in K-town everyone.

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My wife & I are leaving in 3 hours for a 2-week trip to Europe. Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Crotia. Back in time for Coventry. Have a good weekend everyone!!!

im jealous

but thats what summers for, giviner, travelling, and giviner

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Lately I've been feeling like I've been wasting my summer, so when the opporunity to hit up Blue Skies came up I had to say yes, 3 days of camping alone is well worth it, throw in a clean and safe festival environment to trip balls in will be icing on the cake.

Ollie & Cosmic enjoy SPAC....Not to worry I heard last night that the borders are back to normal, AVG crossing time yesterday was 10 minutes.

HAPPY B-DAY Mike!!! Have a good time in K-town everyone.

Thanks Freeker! I can't wait. Sounds like you'll have a great time too. Don't know what Blues Skies is. I'll go look for it on the net now. As for that wasting that summer feeling, I get that too. The summer is so short, I feel like I have do be doing something special every day! It's been a good summer up to now, hope the rest of it is even better.


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my plan....

Tonight - drinks gallore. Playing...no, let me rephrase that...kicking booche's ass in mariokart (while continuing to consume copious amounts of steller stella)

tomorrow - gonna jab studdakitty with some meds. Then off to a "family function" (have I mentioned how sick I am of going to funerals lately???). Then off to Kingston with the Gallants for Bouche's birhtday madness! (with a quick stop to visit gramma)

Sunday - hmmm...I guess it's open for some more drinkies. Hopefully a visit with Reba and dogatthestation.

Monday - home again to deal with the headache and the horrible thought of going to work the next day.

damn...we all need more weekends more often.

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well, i've been on holidays all week, so it was an extra long weekend for me. about fricken time i took some time off too. :) last friday-sunday, the ever exciting chatham-kent area. monday-verylatetuesday, toronto. wednesday-today, frolicking in the sun & surf of the exotic locale of kincardine, ontario. tomorrow? aspire to do productive things and somehow prepare to trudge back to stupid work after all this time off.

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