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Martin to address United Nations today - **1:30**


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For those who think our Prime Minister is a wacko right-wing coal baron (shudder) I REALLY (REALLY) encourage you to tune in and see what our PM has to say to the world this afternoon.

Coverage on CPAC starts at 12:30, I'm guessing the speech starts shortly thereafter and will be picked up by CBC Newsworld, and CTV Newsnet.....

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if Hux wasn't always trying to convince us that Bobby was the center force of the Dead, not Jerry, it'd be a lot easier for him to convince me Martin is a better leader than Cretien was ;)

to be honest, I don't mind Martin, I like most of his ideals... just find him less charismatic than Cretein... Martin comes across as kinda stuffy and boring... and unimaginative (so far)

people are still waiting to see an intellectual, yet humorous and compassionate side of Martin, as is expected of Canadians... hopefully that'll show up today

that said, anything has got to be better than George begging money with a straight face while saying all is going according to plan in Iraq

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We'll probably have it on the CBC site after it's done. We posted Annan and Bush's speeches yesterday. (BTW I love Kofi, he's the only one willing to stand up and give the U.S. sh!t along with everyone else when they actually deserve it, rather than sucking up to them all the time.)

They'll likely either add it to this story:


Or they'll post a new story. Check about 1 pm or so I'd say.


Mr. M.

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agreed on veto-ing the water diversion, and Martin better also voice his standpoint on Iraq and Afghanistan

we should really be chastising the states over their weapons, drug and poverty policies... they're upset about some pot getting into america? well maybe its more upseting to have automatic weapons coming back the other direction

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Surprised he didn't mention this:

Ottawa forgives debt of 3 African countries

Last Updated Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:23:25 EDT

OTTAWA - Ottawa has cancelled $9 million of debt owed by three African countries.

Finance Minister Ralph Goodale announced on Wednesday that the government will forgive the debt owed by Senegal, Ghana and Ethiopia.

"Excessive debt is one of the heaviest burdens to economic growth for African nations," Goodale said in a news release.

"The relief provided today will enable these countries to spend more on priorities such as health and education, rather than debt payments."

Canada has previously forgiven the debts of Benin, Guyana and Bolivia.

In 2000, then-finance minister Paul Martin announced Canada would stop collecting debt payments from heavily indebted poor countries if they committed to reducing poverty, spending on social priorities such as health care and education, and protecting human rights.

Canada plans to forgive more than $1.1 billion in debts.

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Ottawa has cancelled $9 million of debt owed by three African countries.

Maybe he just left his wallet in Dakar last time he was there and is embarrased to ask for it back... Watch for CSL to open a West-African office (tax-free) in the next year...

Seriously though, it's a good start. Hope he can contribute more that $9 million in the long run (maybe Vince Carter will match the offer or something).


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Martin, who addressed a more than half-empty UN General Assembly on Wednesday,

Half-empty UN for an announcement of $9 million... Wow, look at Canada's international presence and leadership.

criticized the world's slow response to the situation in Sudan

Good for him to criticize, but what has Canada done? Well we threw $20 million at the problem, then got up in front of the half-empty UN to urge others to help?

The $20 million - is it going to the Sudanese government (who are driving the people out) or to 3rd parties? (Just asking, I don't know)

As for the debt relief again - $9 million is great for the people that need help over there, but we could do so much more. It's laughable to me.


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Good for him to criticize, but what has Canada done? Well we threw $20 million at the problem, then got up in front of the half-empty UN to urge others to help?

Actually Canada's been bitching to the UN for about a year about this I believe. The trouble is we can't just act unilaterally without UN sanction 'cus our name isn't George W. Bush. (Oh sorry, was that last part out loud.)

As far as the debt relief and aid, it is a drop in the bucket but Canada is just one relatively small country. If other countries chipped in it would be significant. The point is to set an example.

- M.

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Actually Canada's been bitching to the UN for about a year about this I believe. The trouble is we can't just act unilaterally without UN sanction 'cus our name isn't George W. Bush. (Oh sorry, was that last part out loud.)

Well maybe we should just go in unilaterally then, if the precedent has been set with Iraq. I don't want Canada to be seen as the yappy little dog bitching about a problem and not doing anything about it. If we had any kind of pull in the world someone would have paid attention to our bitching for the past year and maybe something more would have happened in Darfur. Politics is so slow and bureaucritized sometimes


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"The $20 million - is it going to the Sudanese government (who are driving the people out) or to 3rd parties? (Just asking, I don't know)"

Yeah, we're funding the freaking genocide!?!?!? :P

The $20 million is going to an African Union military force in Darfur.

"As for the debt relief again - $9 million is great for the people that need help over there, but we could do so much more. It's laughable to me."

If you even read my above post, you'd know that the $9 million was for Benin, Guyana and Bolivia, but in total the Canadian goverment is committed to $1.1 billion in debt relief.

We're leading the world in this cause, what's laughable is your cluelessness, f*ck read up a little before you criticize...

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There's the old Hux fire that I was afraid of last week...

Your other post says that today Goodale announced $9 million of relief for Senegal, Ghana and Ethiopia. That's what I was talking about. I got my information from your post so don't tell me to go fu©k off and read up, you don't even know what you copied and pasted.

As for the $20 million, I asked a simple question, I didn't know who the money was going to, thanks for answering. Good thing we're not supporting the genocide.

And if we're gonna give up to $1.1 billion, why didn't we forgive more of that sum today? If $9 million is leading the way, it's a very sad world we're living in.

So you can tell me to fu©k off all you want. It don't bother me.


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Well maybe we should just go in unilaterally then, if the precedent has been set with Iraq. I don't want Canada to be seen as the yappy little dog bitching about a problem and not doing anything about it. If we had any kind of pull in the world someone would have paid attention to our bitching for the past year and maybe something more would have happened in Darfur. Politics is so slow and bureaucritized sometimes

You have met our country, right? We don't have the military resources to act unilaterally to do something like this even if we wanted to.

And I don't think we do want to - I'd highly recommend checking out what Kofi Annan said in his address yesterday on this very topic:


The basic premise is "the UN ain't perfect, nothing is, but it's better than anything else we've got." And he's right - Canada did the right thing by staying out of Iraq, and it would be stupid to go back on that now by trying to be heroes when the truth is there's no way in hell we can fix things in Sudan by ourselves.

Has the international community been been idiotically slow to react to the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Called-Geneside in Darfur? Absolutely. Does that give us leave to say "fu©k it, we're going it alone." No way. It's against what we stand for as country internationally, and it's one of the things that makes me for one proud to be Canadian.

- M.

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"As for the debt relief again - $9 million is great for the people that need help over there, but we could do so much more. It's laughable to me."

This is exactly what you posted. I responded by informing you of how we are in fact doing "so much more", ie. the other $1.1 bilion in debt relief to other poor countries.

But fine, if you were talking about those countries, you tell me how we can do much more than forgive the ENTIRE debt owed to us??? in regards to those 3 countries and debt repayment, because we forgave their FULL debt, we could NOT do any more in that area - is Canada helping those countries through other forms of foreign aid, absolutely.

I just appears to me you are belittling some good things being done by our gov't because of some preconceived notions about PM, ie. the wallet and CSL crap...

And where did I tell you to fu©k off??

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Well see this is a decent conversation now.. I was under the impression that the other $1.1 billion is forthcoming and hasn't already been paid out. If it is forthcoming, my point is to speed that up - why delay if it is such a great program? (which I think it is, btw). If $1.1 billion has already been paid out, I obviously mis-read the post and am glad that we're doing so much... And I do agree it's great that those three countries have had their full debt forgiven. Why stop at 3 more countries, why not 10 more countries? It just seems to me that 3 countries totalling $9 million out of a pot of $1.1 billion (0.8%) is less than a drop in the bucket. You're the political insider Hux: Can we not do more than this at the present time?

I'm not belittling these good things that Canada is doing out of malice towards Martin, although I think it's clear I don't like the guy. I was merely saying Canada's $9 million today could easily been forgiven from Martin's personal fortune, a comparison to how paltry I think the amount was.

And no you didn't tell me to fu©k off, you said 'fu©k go read up' or something like that. Usually if the words 'fu©k' and 'go' are together in a sentence I interpret it as a 'fu©k off'. Sorry about that.


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