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Donny Darko

Im going home Donny

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So I 'm watching Donny Darko...go to wash my face.....Alarm system kicks in...dogs are going f'in nutso...run outa the bathroom,grab the phone,run upstairs, go to a room, lock the door. Alarm co. calls saying the break glass alarm went off and would I like him to call the police? F yes I said. On hold elevator music, guy comes back saying the copps put him on hold and please hold.....back to elavator music. Pacing,pacing.....alarm turns OFF, phone goes DEAD, dogs went silent......I almost had heart failure. So I thought...o.k. barricade the door, call 911. Dialing 911 but the phones dead,so I ram the bed against the door and pull down a book shelf to seal the deal.

:: :: ::

About 15 minutes later the alarm starts up again and suddenly alarm guy is back on the phone saying the alarm and phone went off because I was on the phone and he's called the police. I said right then thanks, hung up called 911 and asked if alarm guy had called. Yes they told me police are dispatched......go downstairs, turn the alarm off, dogs are not dismembered start calling folks to calm down...another 15 minutes later.. Then the dogs go f'in livid again at the door.....I live in the woods down a long drive and the cops had walked down for an element of suprise.....jebus.

So now they've been and gone and they did a tour around the outside...no broken glass. Alarm panel says it was the laundry room. Laundry room window is not locked but no obvious signs of breakage. They said they would tour the inside but after they left I realized they forgot..........no way in hell can I sleep. If I do certainly I will be found in fifty bits scattered throughout the woods, my organs eaten or turned into drinking vessels and my eye sockets some pyschos new found vagina......no way can I watch the end of Donny Darko either......sh!t storm ::

If anyone who knows me is up and near a phone I'm gettin off the computer in the next 15 and waitin for the sun to come up......call me please.

Gotta learn a martial art, defense something.....anyone know about that stuff?


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.....yeah I know the eye socket, dismembering bit was a bit over the top...probably......folks were listing fears on another thread...sociopaths &.serial killers are one of mine. A girl I knew was the first or one of the first DNA found on the pig farm out west....yuck. Surely whoever it was ran like hell when the 5 alarm alarm started wailing. Funny how when daylight hits I'm marching all over the property, bravest cowgirl in town....serial killers don't do thier dismembering during daylight. Everyone knows that..ha.

Trev I did call ya back....I thought I left a message?

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Howler, I almost pissed my pants when I read the eye socket thing, not to detract from the horrible night you must have had. I still get terrified of the dark even without the variables of being in a secluded place with alarms wailing after after watching a scary movie...

That said, I love Donnie Darko.....a classic movie with a classic sound track. I am addicted to the scaled down version of "Mad World"...truly haunting, a beautiful song.


PS-I have friends who lived next door to the Pinkton farm in Port Coquitlam.

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You are welcome to call me anytime for any myriad of reasons, this one included, day or night is no issue, I always answer the phone. Actually, I'd like to change the word "welcome" to "instructed to" in the previous statement. And that goes for any of you who is close enough to me to have my number on hand. Getting my number from an archived post doesn't count.

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.... :othanks guys :o ...pretty much laughing now :: The dogs are definately better protection than the alarm co. & the police combined. They look pretty primal when they're all in protect mode....all power stance, bared teethe, growling barking and salivation.....awe puppies :)

Its a good thing I was home though because chances are it wasn't a serial killer wanting to dismember me and and have sex with my eye sockets(jebus...imagination in check) ;) Most likely it was a robber who could have cleaned us out in the time that it took the cops to get here....allthough the new home invations are pretty nasty......anyways no fearless bumper stickers for me....scaredy cat.

and yeah Donny Darko is an awesome movie.

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