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what I've been wondering about ...............


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uh...hallowe'en is the 31st...(heh heh) i think the charlie hunter show would be a fantastic hallowe'en show.

it's dated wrong on the watchtower.

NYE was always something special for me growing up. my mom always had parties for me on new year's...it's a party for everybody, not just the birthday boy or the kids lighting candles or eating a turkey...

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NYE is my favorite party of the year. it would be nice if there was a big show that could bring us all together for new years instead of a bunch of small regional ones.

For the last 2 years, and this year as well (when/if it's announced), it's all about the nero... Unless The Slip decide to throw down close to Ottawa for NYE... Hallowe'en I'm either going to be in Boston or Guelph... Depends on a few things...

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Wasn't Diesel Dog's last NYE show in Port Dover, with a rather large pre- and post-show at someone's place (possibly a rental that no one is allowed back to...but that's just the rumour I heard ;))? I ended up at the Fatties show at PJC after I got off work.

This year, I figure October 30th (being the Saturday) will be the big Halloween party celebration date, and it seems the competition is stiff. There's the Fatties/Diesel Dog show in Hamilton, I believe nero in Guelph, and the Charlie Hunter/Logic/Previte show in TO - man, tough choices ::

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You would think that it would be Cavern -> Jomomma -> Nero

More like Jomomma -> Contact -> nero... Jomomma has played like, what, 3 shows in the last 2 years... I really don't care how popular they used to be, they are a bunch of nobodys now... In fact, I didn't even know they were still touring/playing... And as for Contact, aren't there any other bands available in SoOn? Nothing against Contact, but they've had their opening slots for nero... Who's got my heady Diesel Dog opener? This lineup worries me, nero better get 2 sets a night, or I'll be pissed!

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Wasn't Diesel Dog's last NYE show in Port Dover, with a rather large pre- and post-show at someone's place (possibly a rental that no one is allowed back to...but that's just the rumour I heard ;))?

YEP! It was awesome! Best NYE in a long time!

As for Halloween... Diesel Dog and fatties for me. Can't wait to see instagator all dressed up. I hear he's gonna look really pretty ::

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