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i had a dream last night

snarfmaster C

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I had a dream on Saturday night that these squirels locked me out of my house, and were laughing at me and ate all my chocolate. Then it turned into a nightmare from there.

I wish I could dream about Joni Mitchell singing me nice songs. It would make going to bed a lot nicer.

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OK, well, since you're all writing about your dreams...

I had a dream last night that I was at a concert. It was about to start, but I had to pee, so I ran to the bathroom, sat down, and just as I was about to pee, the music started, so I pulled up my pants and ran back to my seat.

I think if it wasn't for that dream, I might've woken up to wet sheets. ::

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I had another murder dream last night. You know, they wouldn't be sooo bad if I'd actually wake up before they killed me. Friggen violent death too... it sucks everytime.

you should practice wakeful dreaming... do things in your dream that are impossible so you can realize that you're dreaming (like spinning around in a circle at 500 miles and hour or jumping 50 feet off the ground or whatever you can't normally do)... also helps to tell yourself that you're going to have wakeful dreams before you go to sleep while practising self hypnosis (counting backwards while going down an escaltor in your mind, or something similar while telling yourself you will be aware in your dream)

once you recognize you're dreaming, just flick the murderer(s) away with a flick of your finger or drop a piano on them or something ("begone, figment of my imagination")... takes a bit of practice but it does work

nothing to fear but fear itself

(fun to do just for kicks too... "woohoo, walking through the wall, now I'm standing in the highway with cars going through me, hows abouts we go for a fly before the ultimate fantasy concert! great to see you again grandpa!")

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I haven't done it in ages, when I lived in Toronto I was big into pondering the powers of your own brain... read a story in Nova about controling your dreams and got pretty good at it, did it every night for months... basically a practice thing, probably best to practice in regular dreams so you're ready when you have a nightmare (which is obviously much more startling and un-nerving)... I've had nightmares where I've realized I'm dreaming and just started laughing (in my dream) and walked into a totally new and happier scene... to hell with getting cut up by goons if you can just get high in a beautiful room with some fine company ::

think I'll get back into it after all this talk actually, had forgotten about it... it can be useful for remembering things from your past or giving yourself self help lectures etc too

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I wish I could change my dreams soooo much. Douglas and I dream alike. I barely ever have a nice dream. I'm always in some sort of trouble. And in extreme Terror! Nightmares and Night Terrors are not fun!! And I'm always crying and talking in my sleep. Leaves for a very unrestful night.

Paisley - do you have a good website for learning how to control your dreams? It's been 27 years too long.

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I was pretty close last night...

I had another one of my infamous "I work at McDonald's" dreams again -- some may call it a nightmare! ;) Anyhow, I felt a very strong sense of confusion, but didn't know why. I knew that I had dreamt this before so many times but I couldn't figure out why I was confused. I'm sure if I was given just a bit more time, I could have figured it out. Imagine the GREAT BIG macs I could have made! :) And french fries as long as the eye could see! mmmm!!!

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yay, best just to do a search for it... as I say, haven't been into it for quite a while

my short summary above is about what I got out of the reading I did... relaxation techniques combined with setting goals to try to accomplish while you dream... important not to get frustrated if it doesn't work the first few tries, its kind of a strange talent to get a feel for

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For those with the constant nightmares...is the head of your bed under a window? I found that I had way more nightmares when my head was at the window...apparently it is a Feng Shui (sp?) no-no. If so, change it up if you can...i also read that having any mirrors facing your bed is not good..but who knows.

Last night i dreamt that i was on this roof and there was a crack in the roof. When i went to examine it, an infestation of beetles or little black bugs of some sort came spewing out of it. I woke up and momentarily thought they were in my bed as i was swishing them away...yuck. Then I fell back to sleep and dreamt i was in this orchard of massive trees and i saw this huge weasel come out of a tree with a squirrel in its mouth. Then there were 2 weasels..male and female. THey were trying to get my friends baby so we had to run inside while my mom tried to scare them off. Last I remember was the voice of my step-gramma say that her and my grandfather were going to sleep in the tree house....hehe...weird

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Lucid dreaming is hardcore. I got into it when I took a sleeping and dreaming course while doing my psychology degree years ago, and it does work if you work at it.

One of the things I did (weird but recommended) was to ask myself at different points throughout the day if I was dreaming or awake, and how could I be sure? Then, before going to sleep, I would tell myself to wake up during a dream. If you have any sort of recurring dreams, that helps too, because you can recognize certain "triggers."

It's a subtle artform though...once you wake up in your dream, it can be very hard to control. A few months ago, I had the craziest lucid dream/dream ever where I was able to fly and control my flying speed. I swear, I could even hear the wind rushing by my ears. It was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life, which may sound pathetic, but it was a HUGE rush.

So...I would recommend just getting into your dreams overall. Keep a dream journal, rent the movie Waking Life (Richard Linklater), think about dreams, wonder about dreams, etc.

Hey, you spend roughly 1/3 of your life sleeping anyway, so might as well pay attention.

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I had the same dream I have had for a few years last night.My mom says its because I eat potato chips before I go to bed,I don't think so myself.Anyway,I'm at school in gym class and were playing ball hockey,a game I really stink at and dislike.Well,I go into the corner of the gymnasium to retrieve the ball and I get pummeled by two decepticons,I try my darnedest to fight back but they are really strong and seem rather uneffected by my strikes,probally because they are decepticons and just take the ball from me,leaving me laying there in pain.Then the teacher starts yelling at me "play the man dammit,then man!!" and then my team-mates start yelling for me to pass the ball,it all gets so confusing and intense.I usually end up waking in terror and turning on the bedroom light.Boy,hockey freaks me out.Not so rad a dream I know,but its my hell.

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