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GTB and JSB at Barrymores


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Holy crap, that was something else!

The Bus played a really short set, just over an hour perhaps. I felt like we didnt get a chance to see what they can really do, but what they did, made me want to see more. Kingston should provide the relief I am looking for.

Jimmy Swift came up and RIPPED us apart. I think it was the guitar player that said he lost his voice, and they were forced to play mainly instrumentals. This provided us with the trippiest set I have heard in a while. Fan-fuggin-tastic!

ShowWhore, I can see why you are going to Kingston. That was my first time seeing either band, first time to Barrymores, and I have lived in Ottawa how long?

BIG crew of us there, and a ton of fun except for those shitty-ass bouncers...................

What a night of music, heck, what a week!

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Guest Low Roller

Last night's show felt more like a rave than a rock show. GTB (as usual) dropped some sick grooves that got my feet moving. Street Sleeper raised the bar yet again.

The JSB drummer is crazy BTW.

You know what hurt the most? A 10am meeting this morning. [Frown] Coherent thought wasn't really attainable, but I was there in body, albeit not in spirit which was still asleep.

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Nice pics.

What was going on with the bouncers? I must have missed that craziness.

Great show. I agree with Booche that it didn't seem like GTB got a chance to really bust out, but I was impressed anyway. Their bass player was in my chest for a while, but all internal organs are still in place as of this morning. External too. JSB really blew me away. They were throwing down some bonafide butt-shaking grooves. First time seeing both bands, won't be the last.

The only bad thing that happened to me last night was when I ordered a pint of Keiths and got a Guiness instead. I was too high to notice until halfway through. So it goes. Besides, Guiness gets you drunker.

It was weird seeing bands play on such a high stage. It's been a while.

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I got a little sidetracked on my way to Babylon (bong hits/Ghostbusters DVD)

I believe "Curb" was on last night, is it on again tonight...??

I've started dowloading full episodes from Kaaza, I have around 6 now, the "Shaq" episode is, I think, my favourite so far....

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Bong hits and ghostbusters? Man, that takes me back to 1984. I miss being 8-years-old. Back then they didn't have those big buckets of popcorn at the theatres (back then, they were called cinemas) like they do now, so I would have to get two large bags to cure my munchies.

Yeah man, Curb is on at 10 on Thursdays. It's so good they have to show it twice. Good thing since I missed it last night.

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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

II've started dowloading full episodes from Kaaza, I have around 6 now, the "Shaq" episode is, I think, my favourite so far....

I think I have about most of them from Kazaa as well... have you downloaded Beloved Aunt, or has it aired on Showcase yet? The ending just floored me.

Interesting comments about Barrymores... it's the only venue I've ever been kicked out of. The place does look nice but the bouncers are notorious and it gives me a bad vibe.

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great room, the bouncers are mostly all attitude.. ever since Al left.

a couple of the bartenders are cockknockers too.. specifically Cameron, if anyone is familiar with that aging Ottawa scenester. He's a dick.

theres another guy too, i recall a friend trying to order a keiths and it was loud so he pointed at the tap, and the dick unscrewed it and passed it to him. [Roll Eyes] . sometimes sarcasm loses it's magic for even me.. [Wink]

However, the manager Andrea is awesome, as are all the tenders that made the move from zaphoids when that whole controversy was going down a few years back. I think most have moved on though..

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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

Ollie, I'm dowloading "Beloved Aunt" right now....

How many different episodes did you get from Kaaza??

oh yah, 1000 posts! WOOOHOOOOO!!!

I said I "think" I have them all because they are spread over many CDRs and I haven't taken the time to properly catalogue them. They should all be available on Kazaa though.

Man, all I'm trying to do is get to 40 posts so I can select a custom avatar!

Then I'll retire.

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Originally posted by gentlemonkey:

theres another guy too, i recall a friend trying to order a keiths and it was loud so he pointed at the tap, and the dick unscrewed it and passed it to him.
[Roll Eyes]
. sometimes sarcasm loses it's magic for even me..


I tried it again last night, however with a different bartender, and didn't get the same BS, that was also the same night Shane and I went for a smoke and they wouldn't let us back in because the moron at the door took our stubs but didn't stamp our hands!!

oh yeah and I remember a while ago, I believe Howler posted about draft beer...Christ did my head ever hurt this morning...back to bottles

BUT....first time for JSB and I enjoyed thoroughly...That first tune was ridiculous!!! and the BUs never dissapoints!

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