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Any good Thanksgiving stories?


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Does Megs thanksgiving sound downright randy or is it just me?

On another note I regret to inform that the expression Tofurkey has entered the modern lexicon and moreoever I know unfortunately have had precious brain space consumed by the expression 'tofurkey jerkey wishbone'. Shudder.

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Oh my goodness, we had an unusual Thanksgiving. Bouche and I just moved into our first home and my family (mom, dad, brother, sister, brother-in-law, neice and nephew) came to visit.

My family are work horses. Up at the crack of dawn sawing, hammering and drilling. Mike and I usually sleep in until at least 10, but we woke up at 7:00 (which my family called late) each day of the long weekend. My family also went to bed at 10:00 which was too early for us, so we ended up going for late night walks.

No turkey dinner, but we feasted on a huge salmon my dad caught. Instead of relaxing and falling asleep we worked on the following:

-A dryer vent to the outside of the house

- Connecting the washer and getting the dryer to work again.

-Removing a kitchenette from the basement (which left a hole in the hardwood floor, requiring a sub floor. It also revealed a rotten wall which my dad broke down to the skeleton of the house and re-insulated and drywalled).

-Built a kitchen island.

-Built a cement base for our hot tub.

- Installed a hose holder

- Finished painting the basement

OH MY GAWD DID WE WORK HARD!!!! I'm thankful it's over.

Hope you all enjoyed yours.

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1. go to the site that has the picture

2. right-click on the picture and select properties from the pop-up menu

3. locate the "address (url):"label

4. highlight the address with your mouse - make sure you highlight the entire address, some of it may be hidden

5. right-click on the highlighted address and select copy from the pop-up menu

6. creat a new post, or reply to a post on the sanctuary

7. click the "Image" link in the UBB code list

8,. it will ask you for the address of the image - right-click textbox and select paste from the pop-up menu

9. click ok and your done

Hope this helps!!!

I was you about 3 weeks ago!

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Nothing to serious this weekend.Overall a great weekend of fun with alot of friends I don't party with all the time who were back from BC & the Yukon for thanksgiving.

Couldn't ask for anything better actually.


PJC for GTB/JSB,thats about all I remember sadly,everytime I get with my pal Brendan we seem to consume an unusal amount of jager & tequila aside from the bottle we drank pre show,so I recall GTB on stage abit and JSB when I got there,next thing I know its the morning 8 am or so and I'm on Brendan's couch...


Figured I missed out ona ride to RG & HM in St. Catherines I made other plans which ended up being 3 hours late,at one point I assumed they had forgot me and almost jumped a ride with guigsy (thanks buddy),but my friends from the west showed up eventually with a bag full of merriment for us to consume along with a case of 50 and some wine.Awoke in my bed with a friend I used to date,was nice seeing her face first thing in the morning,but had me a bit weirded out for the first hour.The rest is probally best not posted online.


33 Hess for some Brian Griffith,Joel Gunther and a rare (now anyway) appearence on drums by Joel Stouffer (formerly w/ Fat Cats),along with a friends birthday to boot.Once agian Brendan & I started in on a few jagers and the next thing I know I'm at Briguys with a 60 of crown and a couple people.Once agin awoke early on a couch not quite sure where I was,grabbed a cab hokme & got stoned all day listening to bluegrass.

Good times..

hmm...that was exactly what I tried to do. It has worked for me before. Ahh maybe next time. -Thanks Sunshine ::

It seems now-a-days alot of jpg pictures don't seem to work when I try to post them,mostly when I upload them to a picture hosting website.Maybe the pics you have tried are jpg also?

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and some picture posting troubleshooting i've come across here:

-some pictures just will not work ::

-make sure there are no spaces before or after the url

-when you do a google image search, if you use the url of the preview picture they show you it doesn't work

OH, and a handy dandy tip, if you prefer typing to mouse work, just type b]at the beginning of the url and [b] at the end of the url (which is all entering the url into the image button does).

just fy-reakin'-i


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I could not freakin believe that Sari had never has thanksgiving dinner before so I packed her up and brought her to my mum's house with me Sunday night. My mum set down what I think was the highest pile of food on a plate she'd ever seen and I can't believe she managed to pack it all away. We watched some boring mum television. I love families that consider watching television quality time. Being near Grimsby we considered going to the show in St. Kitts, but were far too stuffed and had the dog with us. Oh a funny siblingish story, my old cat who is now my mum's cat and 3 lbs heavier than my dog actually attacked darius for the first time ever and for no reason at all. I wish i'd seen the moment of contact but seeing the ambush from around the corner was funny enough for me. Smallest thanksgiving dinner ever, my mum, me and sari.

We had some friends over Monday and started cooking at 2. My suggestion for an easy turkey, buy breasts. (no jokes please) Way easier to cook and no yucky left over mess. Although, sadly, no wishbone. oh, and whole foods has yummy sausages. this year, i'm thankful for everything, every stupid little moment of my most significant little life, but i think most of all I'm thankful for optimism :)

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