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Capital Music Hall (Ottawa)


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Good evening,

I've been keeping an eye on the JamBand event listings for a while, to see what is coming into the city, but this is the first time I've bothered posting anything. I've had a request from an American acquaintance for a taping of an upcoming show, but am curious as to what Capital Music Hall's stance on taping is, artist-specific restrictions aside.

Obviously, setting up three 8' stands in the very front of the room would attract entirely the wrong type of attention, and I'm not looking for board feeds here. But what's their usual stance? No taping? Taping OK, but no stands? Taping OK, stands fine if unobtrusive?

I've honestly never been to the place in my life, yet...

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Guest Low Roller

The man to answer this question is Ottawa's resident taping guru Bradm, however seeing as he's probably taping a show somewhere in dreamland, I'll give you some preliminary feedback on Capital Music Hall's taping stance:

The official word is that if the band says it's ok then it's fine by the venue as long as the mics aren't obtrusive, which category your stands may unfortunately fall under. However to add to the confusion, Bradm used stealth mics taped to the balcony for the Wilco show and was told by the meathead soundboard guy to "never bring those things in here again" despite the promoter's website mentioning in its message board that taping was permitted. Perhaps the venue has solidified its taping stance since the Wilco show.

I would give the venue a quick call (613)789-9922 out of courtesy to see what their policy is.

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the meathead soundboard guy

Everything you said is true except for that comment. I know the guy and he's super-nice and a great person. Somewhere the lines got crossed between PRS and the venue, and you can't blame the guy for doing his job.

Anyways, good luck taping... What band are you gonna tape?


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Yeah, what he said.

If you call, and get told taping's OK, get the name of the person you're talking to (write it down, maybe), and see if that person will be at the show; if that person won't be at the show, get the name of someone who will be at the show. Then, if you get hassled, tell the hassler to get in touch with the contact name you were given to clear things up. If the band lists a taping policy on its website, print it out and bring it along. If you can get the name of the band's tour/road manager, bring that along, too. (In fact, this happened at Bela Fleck in Montreal in 2003: I was with a Montreal taper who got hassled by venue security at the door, and one of Bela's road crew got called to the door to clear things up.)

I suspect that for a taper-friendly band, there would be a real tapers' section on the floor somewhere, which should make using stands easier. I'll be at Little Feat in November, and I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) people will have set up.



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the meathead soundboard guy

Everything you said is true except for that comment. I know the guy and he's super-nice and a great person. Somewhere the lines got crossed between PRS and the venue, and you can't blame the guy for doing his job.

Just to clarify what Low Roller said: the guy who hassled me was one of two guys behind the boards at the front of the balcony. I assumed he was doing sound, but he might have been doing lights. In other words, he may or may not have been your friend. (And, for the record, the "meathead" term is Roller's, not mine.)

As for whether he was "doing his job", well, as far as handling tapers goes, he wasn't. If taping wasn't allowed, I should have been nailed from the get-go. If taping was allowed, I shouldn't have been hassled at all. (I'll also note that the sound was actually pretty good that night, so if he was the one doing sound, he did do a pretty good job.)



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I dunno, assuming it was actually the sound guy... He's pretty senior at the CMH, and if he saw something that security missed (regardless of the taping policy which seems sketchy, but not suprising given who runs the CMH), he's doing his job as an employee of CMH, not neccesarily as a sound guy.

Whatever, the guy is a solid acquaintence of mine, I've never heard him speak ill of anyone except the managers at CMH. There's always the 'Having a bad day at work' argument too. Or there might be some pride in it, he didn't feel he did the sound too well that night and someone's there recording it.....

I just wouldn't jump to conclusions about someone's character because of one sentence uttered in a big bar of drunks, while working.



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Guest Low Roller
I just wouldn't jump to conclusions about someone's character because of one sentence uttered in a big bar of drunks, while working.

Given that my only contact with him was during that one incident, where his demenor was questionable, I had to label him to add credence to my understanding of the CMH taping policy. But you make a solid point in that I shouldn't pass judgment until I get to know the guy. Hell, at first I thought Booche was a total meathead too. ;)

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Thanks for the info everyone. If I end up going, I'll check with CMH directly beforehand and make note of names, etc.

I'll be at Little Feat in November, and I'm interested in seeing what (if anything) people will have set up.

This is the band who I've honestly never heard of, but one or two people have specifically asked me if I'd be taping it. I do not have very much experience at this at all, and I'm not at all sure that the equipment in question will do very well for that... but we'll see I guess!

I'm still waiting to see if it'll work from a schedule point of view, but since a few people have asked, I might check them out. :)

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Yeah, from what I heard it's not slated to close any of that block until December 2005... I don't know if that information is reliable or not, but if you wanna do some digging there's a pretty detailed thread from a few days ago on the punkottawa.com message board. A lot of the info came from Shawn Scallen who's responsible for a lot of the PRS shows in town.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I went, I saw, I heard, I taped.

I came in, and went up to the merch table (which was just inside the door) and talked to the guy there, who said he was with the band. I asked if there was a tapers' section, and he said no; I asked if taping was OK, and he seemed to think it wasn't..."But you're welcome to try..."

I cruised around, noticed that the balcony (my preferred spot) was full (and roped off, for guests, presumably), so I went down to the floor, and met up with Dave and Chris (nero, BNB, Dead tapers from 'way back). I explained what the guy had told me, and they didn't believe it, and said they were going to tape. I decided to try.

If you've never been to the CMH before, there's a floor-to-ceiling I-beam about 12' in front of the centre of the stage. I decided to tape my stealth mics (all I had brough) about 7' off the floor, one on either side, and hope for stereo. The other guys were set up on the left side of the stage, which I found to be 'way too loud (as it's right in front of the left-side PA stack), and mono. :(

As I'm setting up (after the opening act, David Gogo, who didn't impress me much; I found it largely masturbatory cliche blues), I had people ask if I was taping, and whether the recordings would make it up to http://www.archive.org (which I said they would, if they came out half-way decent). As I looked to the left, I saw about three mic stands near the wall, so figured that, if anybody was going to get hassled, the hassling would start there.

However, at no time did anybody from the venue or band hassle me; the taping went off without a hitch. I've yet to listen to the recording, but I'm hopeful it came out well.

So. I'll chalk my Wilco experience up to a one-time abberation, and hope, if the CMH hosts taper-friendly bands in whatever future it has left, that everything will be OK.

One other thing: while I'm setting up, an obvious old-school Little Feat fan (braided beard, autographed t-shirt) asks me if I'm taping, and then asks, "Why don't you get a board feed?" He said he knew people in the band/crew, and might be able to make it possible. The main reason I didn't was the off chance that the guy working the board was the same guy from the Wilco show, with whom I did not want to deal again. Opportunity missed? We'll see/hear...



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