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QotD: 2004-10-26


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We haven't had a Question of the Day for a while, so here goes...

I'm planning on going to the Contact/Jomomma/nero Hallowe'en bash on Saturday at the ElMo (thanks to Velvet for the ride offer), and need ideas for a costume.

I'm not much into adornment, and have almost nothing in the way of fashion/design sense, so am at an almost complete loss as to ideas. It should be something that's either easy to make (given my limited [i.e., non-existent] crafting skills), or is easy to acquire at costume rental shops and/or places like Phase 2 clothing.

Ideally, the costume should be tied in to my activities as a taper, but that's optional.

Those who know me often get the impression that I'm a straight-up, laid-back, chilled-out kind of guy, so if you want to try to change this, suggesting a costume that's counter to those character traits is a good way to go. If I choose your idea, you'll get a special prize*.



* Prize offer applies to the first post that suggests what I end up wearing. I also reserve the right to wear something other than what was suggested.

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hahaha! taper, eh? likin' it, likin' it.... you should get a few rolls of duct tape, and wrap your ENTIRE outfit in it. make (out of duct tape) loops to attach rolls of different kinds of tape around your waist, sort of like a tool belt. anyone asks, well geez, you're a "taper" ::

Actually, I think that'd make me a tapee...a taper would be a guy who ran around and randomly wrapped people in tape...but I'm sure there are laws against that...



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brad you're thin enough to go as a mic stand. tease out all your hair so it's standing up and all in a floofy ball and wear all black. get a belt and but a silver knub on it.

That might work, but I wonder if a microphone itself might be better. Build a tapered barrel out of black cardboard, wider at the neck than it is at the knees, and top it off with a spherical headshell made to look like the metal cage you see around, say, a Shure SM-58. A painted-on "Shure" logo would complete the ensemble.

The only problem with that kind of costume (and a B&P envelope or tape case) is that it has to be easily removable, at least partially (I may have a beer or two, if you get my drift :) ), and I'll be taping, so will need to hover around and tweak the gear, probably with contortions due to where I'll be set up (which I don't where that is, but my guess is it'll be awkward).



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