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The missing hockey rant


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How are you holding up? I've been coping pretty well thus far, thanks. But the Hockey News keeps showing up and there's no content. Some players are (carefully) saying they'll accept a cap, but there's no progress being made. I try Making The Cut to get my fix, but there's not much hockey within. What am I supposed to do on Saturday nights? Talk to my girlfriend, watch another Indiana Jones movie? I DON'T FU©KING THINK SO.

I get to see Sydney Crosby this weekend, that should help fill the void.

Tell me I'm not alone.


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Is there provincial professional hockey (what would be equivalent to the OHL) in NB? If so, will it satisfy your needs, or is it not just the play on the ice, but knowing and following the players and the teams, that you seek? (This isn't a sarcastic challenge, it's just a question.)



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In all honesty, this strike may have a detrimental effect on my love for watching the NHL.

Seriously, the game was becoming REALLY boring. The clutching/grabbing, clogging open ice and so on and so on. The only time I was really into it, was during the playoffs. Aside from that, most games couldnt keep my interest.

Pull out yer testes, and watch a real sport:


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Seriously, the game was becoming REALLY boring.

Dude, the game's been boring for nearly a decade now. But there's nothing like it. Don't give me none of that US made-for-TV-play-for-20-seconds-at-a-time horseshit.

I watched The Oilers vs Flames from the 1983 playoffs last weekend on ESPN Classics Canada (man, that Paul Coffey could skate!). Reminiscent of the style (i.e. no defense) we see here in the Q. Go Crosby go.

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Dude, have you forgotten my age?

A decade is nothing to me now...............

and "there's nothing like it" ?

Sure there is, but these beer-guzzling walking Molson ads need to open their minds. Its almost like that Simpsons episode when Homer quits the beer.

"I never realized this game was so boring."

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I am enjoying every second of it!! Means more basketball coverage!!

fu©k Basketball.

no f@ck Hockey..

Come on basketball players and their fans have an average IQ of 40. Basketball has a salary cap and hockey doesn't ........................................................................................................................................................yet. ;)

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