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Predictions for the next 4 years


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gas prices at 3.00/L

another MAJOR terrorist attack on USA

a military draft for the US

continued disfavour of the US around the world

another 4 years without a visit to Canada by the President

stock market crash

abortion outlawed

many more monkey pictures on the internet

Hux moves to Namibia

huge tax cuts for the rich

but hey, it only makes Canada look better eh.

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I heard an interesting prediction this morning:

A co-worker's husband expects an assassination attempt on Bush before the four years are up.

When you consider how many presidents have been shot at over the years (many of whom had far less people despising them than the current leader) that is not really such a crazy prediction.

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First off, I'm devastated by the news I woke up to this morning...I'm not really surprised but still very frustrated with the outcome of this election. Really though, I think we need to start thinking ahead RIGHT NOW. I sure as hell won't be sitting here thinking about all of the potentially BAD sh!t that may come on the heels of this debacle. The rest of the world that opposes this type of ruling behavior needs to sound off. WE need to make changes on behalf of ourselves and stop waiting and wondering what this political gang of money grubbers will do to us. Make some changes in your own lifestyles if need be. Make decisions at your local government levels. Do anything you can. In the end, if all goes wrong and humanity is trampeled under a giant, oil soaked cowboy boot, at least you will have a shred of decency knowing that you tried.

And yes, it feels REALLY good to be a Canadian. Really great actually.

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I heard an interesting prediction this morning:

A co-worker's husband expects an assassination attempt on Bush before the four years are up.

When you consider how many presidents have been shot at over the years (many of whom had far less people despising them than the current leader) that is not really such a crazy prediction.

You couldn't have a scenario more worst-case than that one.

The result would be a complete destabilization of the US with effects too scary to even contemplate. ::

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more predictions:

- culture wars in the US - see http://www.cbn.com/CBNNews/News/041103c.asp

- the depletion of the middle class leading to a 1970's/80's-Britain-under-Thatcher gap between the lower class and upper class

- North Korea..... remember them? they'll be dropping by to say "hello"

- welcome to the new, squeaky-clean Evangelical America. Not a great time for the arts.

- a very different Democratic party than the one we've observed from Clinton on

- the weight of Iraq will begin to drag the Bush-ites down as they years unfold with no end in sight

- Canada will acquiesce to the Missile Defence Program

- Bush will test the waters with the UN and estranged world communities to establish positive dialogue (honestly, I think even he knows he has to)

- Phish will reform before the next US election

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I heard an interesting prediction this morning:

A co-worker's husband expects an assassination attempt on Bush before the four years are up.

great! then Cheney gets to rule the world. Chew on that one.

Doesn't he already?

Anyway $0.02...

- American politics are going to futhur polarize.

- The rift between the haves and have-nots will increase.

- The have-nots won't notice as they are too busy listening to their ministers and Bill O'Reilly

- If they blame anyone, it will continue to be the threat from terrorists

- American arrogance on the world stage will get worse (now that Bush's last four years have been validated)


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I heard an interesting prediction this morning:

A co-worker's husband expects an assassination attempt on Bush before the four years are up.

When you consider how many presidents have been shot at over the years (many of whom had far less people despising them than the current leader) that is not really such a crazy prediction.

i'd take GW over fu©king Cheney!

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[color:"black"] English ... Have I taught you nothing???

gas prices at 3.00/L [color:"red"] - Not now. With Bush in office and a Republican controlled Congress the US is free and clear start movin' heavy machinery up to Alaska and drill up all the oil that's been sittin' up in the reserve for the last few thousand years.

another MAJOR terrorist attack on USA [color:"red"] - If someone wants to bad enough nobody's gonna stop them. The fact that there hasn't already been another major attack on the US is testament to what Bush has done and will continue to do.

a military draft for the US [color:"red"] - Never gonna happen!

continued disfavour of the US around the world [color:"red"] - Like electing John Kerry would have made a big difference in global opinion toward the US.

another 4 years without a visit to Canada by the President

stock market crash

abortion outlawed [color:"red"] - Bush would never touch Rv.W ... sometimes you gotta fabricate a story for the religious nut jobs just to get their vote.

many more monkey pictures on the internet

Hux moves to Namibia

huge tax cuts for the rich [color:"red"] - A simple trickle down economics lesson here ... the rich are the people with the cash, let them keep more of it then they can reinvest in businesses that will inevitably offer up job to the middle class, more jobs = more taxes collected by the gov't which means further tax cuts down the line for the middle class.

but hey, it only makes Canada look better eh.

[color:"black"] That should about do it.

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