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Diebold voting machines - Fraudulent President?

Jay Funk Dawg

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Canadian Musician and friend sent me this email today... he mentions this "Diebold Voting Machines" as a part of the Republican scheme to get Bush relected... anyone heard about this?

Diebold voting machines in 30 counties in Florida last night. Dieblod CEO Wally O'Dell promised to "deliver Ohio" for George Bush this year.

2002 elections courtesy of black box voting included 'phantom voting', negative vote counts, missing computer cartridges, and machines going offline for hours at a time. No paper trails.

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Here's a politician-type statement from the artricle Jaydawg linked:

This is in an effort to justify the relationship between Bush and the guy who OWNS the voting machine company that got the contract:

"Blackwell said Diebold is not the only company with political connections - noting that lobbyists for voting-machine makers read like a who's who of Columbus' powerful and politically connected."

Sounds good, right? Except, duh, lobbyists are supposed to be politically connected. This says nothing whatsoever about the people in the companies.

Stuff like that pisses me off, but is very much in line with how I managed to never really lie to my mom.

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this website freaks me out:


The number one complaint coming in from the field to various BBV observer groups is "flipping votes", i.e. votes switching between candidates when selected. BBV companies and election officials blame voters, instead of poorly designed machines.

If Ohio is awarded to George Bush, Wally O'Dell's promise to "deliver" Ohio to Bush will probaly be the outline for Oliver Stone's next movie.

Look for Diebold to get out of the business as O'Dell's action and Diebold's crappy machines help deepen the schism between Americans on the Left and Right.

Of course, it just isn't Diebold. They just had the bad luck to get caught.

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this sh!t is freaking me out..


Want to know what this image is? It's a picture I took with my cellphone-camera of an electronic voting machine screen. I took it today when I went down to vote for the next President of the Unites States in Santa Clara California. The screen says "Vote Save Error #9. Use the Backup Voting Procedure." A news crew was on hand to film Californians using the voting machines. I pointed to this particular screen and said "There's your story - right there. I just took a picture of the screen and plan to share it with 6.4 billion of my closest friends on the Internet tonight. I suggest you do the same." To my astonishment, the cameraman did shoot some footage of the screen, though I don't know what was shown later on television.

Now that I've told you the story behind the picture, I need not mention the maelstrom of thoughts that go through my head whenever I look at it - the picture is testament enough. The next revolution will not be televised. The next revolution will be blogged.

This says it all.

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I voted for the first time in my life today. My exhilaration was short-lived. My boyfriend had voted ealier in the day using a paper ballot, but I had to wait until after work to cast my vote. I was denied a paper ballot AT THAT SAME POLLING LOCATION even though a stack of about 300 blank ones were in plain view. The precinct officer claimed that those were for "emergencies." When I asked her to elaborate, she told me to just go use one of the eslate3000 voting machines manufactured by Harte-InterCivic, a known Republican campaign contributor. I told her I wanted a paper ballot, and she refused to give me one while I watched another individual fill one out. I felt queasy and decided to take down the serial number of my e-voting machine:
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Here's some more

E-voting machines caught switching votes

"U.S. voters calling in to a toll-free number had reported more than 1,100 separate incidents of problems with electronic voting machines and other voting technologies by late Tuesday during the nationwide election. In more than 30 reported cases, when voters reviewed their choices before finalizing them, an electronic voting machine indicated they had voted for a different candidate... In a majority of cases where machines allegedly recorded a wrong vote, votes were taken away from Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, or a Democratic candidate in another race, and given to Republican President George Bush or another Republican candidate, said Cindy Cohn, legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation... 'We're only hearing from people who caught it,' Cohn said during a press conference... 'It gives us this uneasy feeling we're seeing the tip of the iceberg.'"

Wired news

infoworld news

ABC news

E-voting machines lose 4,531 votes in North Carolina precinct

WNCT-TV 9 Greenville | Submitted by: Reid Fleming

"Ed Pond says when the numbers didn't match up, manufacturers told him: 'Of the votes we have, 3,006 is all we can recover. We said, "What do you mean?"' What that means is: of 7,537 voters, every one made after 3,005 were not saved in the computer memory. The Carteret county board of elections say their electronic voting system is owned by Unilect. Initially they told the board 10,000 votes could be stored in these computer systems. In actuality, it was 7,000... Luckily, Pond says this slip up was not large enough to change elected leaders... Both sides agree a backup or alert system should be in place for next election."

East Carolina channel 9 news

Sun Journal

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dima...it's not that hard when the bush family's got more money than you could probably understand...sure you could understand that they have millions upon millions, but you only need several of those millions or some political influence in the right situations for people to do what you want them to do...who's gonna impeach this motherfu©cker?he's out after this term by law anyway.

4 more years...let's hope he doesn't fu©k it up for the rest of the world.

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