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i'm presenting my research tomorrow night

snarfmaster C

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for anyone interested, i'll be giving a brief presentation tomorrow night at the bata library here at trent on my research so far. it'll be pretty basic, as the conference is geared toward introducing first and second year students to research and job opportunities in the vast field of geography, so no special knowledge is required to get anything out of the presentations. the 3 day conference starts tonight at 7 with a couple presentations on work and fun in the arctic and one dude researching in northern ontario like me. tomorrow will be my work (hydrology and logging shite) and another dude who spent some time in greenland and iceland. thursday will be only one presentation by a guy who rode his bike from peterborough to someplace in the yukon - that one should be awesome - lots of good pics i'm told.

anyway, i thought i'd put it out there in case anyone's lookin for something to do in peterborough this week.

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ya velvet, i know you're torn. no worries... i'll give you a private session some other time ;)

don't forget to picture everyone in their underwear! :)

have a good time and have fun

don't do that, you might get a boner. but good luck all the same.

i'm not too worried about that, bokonon. don't have the right, uh, equipment.

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