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greetings from california!!


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HEy everyone!!

Just thought we'd send a little message lettin' ya'll know about our adventures thus far, here in Chico!!!

So aside from the fact that we miss you all dearly (and especially hanging out at the lancaster --that is...the one on lancaster road).....we've been having adventure after adventure, exploring this new and intriguing place!!

Highlights include

1. our first weekend in the mountains , partying with rafters and kayakers, a costume party, traveling there in a big-assed solar powered white bus complete with a HUGE tickle trunk in the back for dress-up...and Becky..they let us keep the purple spandex all in one jump suit for dancing, AND a final white water rafting trip among the most beautiful mountains and scenery you've ever scene...breathtaking!!

2. Meeting some awesome people and actually having friends that call us now...nothing can possibly compare to our canuck group of friends back home!!

3. WOrking for days and days on our fairy costumes 'cause we had nothing else to do...then dressing up as fairies for Hallowe'en..and seeing and dancing up a storm to live jambands..ELectric Circus. (not EC back home!!)

4. Dancing on the corner of the streets downtown to amazing drumming...attracting the crowds with our dance routines!!..so fun!!!

5. Buskers EVERYwhere!!..great drummers!

6. OUr adopted stray cat...named


and tons tons more

7. Being known as the two "Dread Head Canadian Fairies"!!!!!!!!

8. Finding our own Mark TOnin..out here on the West coast.Great Dancing!!!

But...we do miss you all!!!!! People here aren't as friendly and amazing as all of you.....but i think we've found our "In"!!

Check you're email..we'll send you some pics...next time we're on the computer...

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Great to hear from you Vixon ... wishing you and Sweet Marie all the best on your California adventure ... I'll be thinking of you when I'm twirling and spinning on Sat. night in Chatham! ::

You have been and will continue to be missed at shows, that's for sure, but it will make it even sweeter the next time we see each other.

Peace, love and hugs to both of you,


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oh si-si! (hahazzz) how great to hear from you! well, great except for the fact you keep suddenly appearing on here RIGHT after i finish writing you a letter (haha), but of course, those are purely my own selfish reasons - i am SO happy to see your words! and that's just awesome you guys are having such a fun time. i am so impressed and proud with all the dance party action you guys have going on over there, the last update you put with the dedication dance brought tears to my eyes!

really excited to see these pictures you speak of! hopefully in the future you can include shots with that dazzling purple spandex number (how yummy!), perhaps in combination with a fairy outfit or two? tickle trunks are hot. you girls will be pleased, my own prom dress collection is being padded quite nicely, i haven't counted them in a while, but i know i'm over 30 gowns at this point!

and by the way, i would like to thank both of you dready-heady-fairy-princesses for the wonderful phone message you left me last night. i came in the door from dance class, and in the midst of checking some otherwise normal messages, what do i hear but a yo-yo-YO from both of you! i love it when you guys rap, and to have that come so unexpectedly on my macheen with both of your beautiful voices, had me giggling as much as seeing it in person. you guys absolutely rock and i miss you so much!

can't wait to hear from you next. send sweetmarie a buncha kisses for me & help yourself a good smattering of 'em too!





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hey you guys! thanx for all of the kind words. You guys made our day. i'm so proud that there's a website called marc Frankenhouser. Sexy leiderhosen (sp??)! that gets me thinking of a costume already for next year...

as marie said, we'll be posting pics soon, our neibor has been so nice to help us wiht it. tonihgt we're going to see a local jamband named "chingas" - we hear their pretty good- with free ap's and all. hopefully it'll remind us of bein home with you guys!

luv ya,

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